Beauty will save

Beauty in everything

Black Orchid beautiful dream

Black Orchid beautiful dream

Black Orchid beautiful dream

Black Orchid beautiful dream
The Black Orchid is a beautiful dream, because the black pigment does not exist, and absolutely black colors are not found in nature. But there are flowers of dark shades, they look almost black. From this perspective, The Black Orchid flower exists, with even a different species, such as Phalaenopsis Phalaenopsis Black Butterfly ‘Orchids’. Its flowers have a dark burgundy color that resemble exotic moths, for which the plant got its name. The Black Orchid exists only in the imagination of the people, though experts has attempted to create a special hybrid for many centuries. Botanists from California put an end to this quest by growing the black flower that has been recognized as the only plant that can be called the black orchid. The Black Orchid flowers with an amazing vanilla scent has become the embodiment and symbol of beauty and elegance.

Black Orchid beautiful dream

The Black Orchid, source of image –

But somewhere there is a greenhouse –
There bored people are delight
With Nature embodied venture –
Mysterious Faces of orchids
A. Soloviev

The Black Orchid, 1958

The Black Orchid, 1958

She is called Black Orchid when her real name, fragrant and light – Rose Bianco. After her husband’s death from the hands of gangsters, she carries widow crown with the dignity, devoting all the time to the work, and all her thoughts are about young son Tony and his periodic escapes from prison. By the way, she is able to quickly and deftly tinker artificial flowers; just as her hand rolled clove of paper rags, she herself locked in meaningful alienation from the world.

The Black Orchid, 1958

The Black Orchid, 1958

Frank Valente: Working at night? Even God doesn’t work at night.

Rose Bianco: To make a living people do many things God doesn’t do.

The Black Orchid, 1958

The Black Orchid, 1958

The Black Orchid, 1958

The Black Orchid, 1958

Black Orchid beautiful dream

The Black Orchid

Black Orchid beautiful dream

The Black Orchid

Black Orchid beautiful dream

Black Orchid beautiful dream

Black Orchid beautiful dream

Many people are sure that a black costume is the only suitable thing for business meetings as it brings elegance, chic and strictness of lines into a man’s look and adds stylishness and mystique to a woman’s appearance. A person who gives a preference to black – is trying to rebel against his destiny, against his life’s direction. Such a rebellion is often thoughtless and imprudent. An addiction to the black influences not only the character of a person and his relationships with the surrounding people but also his appearance.

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