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Chinese rescue balls to Apocalypsis

Rescue balls for Apocalypsis by Chinese farmer Liu Qiyuan

Proud Chinese farmer Liu Qiyuan next to his creation. Chinese rescue balls to Apocalypsis.

Chinese rescue balls to Apocalypsis
45 year-old Liu Qiyuan, a Chinese farmer from Hebei province designed and built rescue spherical modules dedicated to the approaching end of the world. He sealed each ball, equipped with a supply of oxygen in cylinders, belts and spot for 14 people. To date, seven balls are ready. As people across the globe tremble in anticipation of next week’s supposed Mayan-predicted apocalypse, one Chinese villager says he may have just what humanity needs: tsunami-proof survival pods. Camouflage-clad former farmer and furniture maker Liu Qiyuan inspected his latest creation. In fact, it is a sphere several meters tall, and he calls it “Noah’s Ark”. Besides, the designed construction is able to withstand towering tsunamis and devastating earthquakes.

Rescue balls for Apocalypsis by Chinese farmer Liu Qiyuan

Four men pulling the rescue balls for Apocalypsis. Invention of Chinese farmer Liu Qiyuan

Chinese rescue balls to Apocalypsis

Chinese rescue balls to Apocalypsis

Works inside the rescue ball. Chinese farmer Liu Qiyuan

Chinese rescue balls to Apocalypsis

Several rescue balls under construction. Created by Chinese farmer Liu Qiyuan

Chinese rescue balls to Apocalypsis

Chinese farmer Liu Qiyuan posing in front of his Rescue balls

Rescue balls for Apocalypsis by Chinese farmer Liu Qiyuan

The balls built by Chinese farmer Liu Qiyuan – a sphere several meters tall

Rescue balls for Apocalypsis by Chinese farmer Liu Qiyuan

According to the picture, it’s quite comfortable inside it. Apocalypse Balls: Chinese invention to defend against doomsday
Chinese rescue balls to Apocalypsis