Beauty will save

Beauty in everything

Beautiful wire sculpture by Derek Kinzett

Beautiful wire sculpture by Derek Kinzett

A girl with wings. Beautiful wire sculpture by Derek Kinzett, English Artist

Beautiful wire sculpture by Derek Kinzett
Born in 1966, English Contemporary Artist & Wire Sculptor Derek Kinzett spent his childhood living in Dodington Park, Gloucestershire. Meanwhile, it is a breathtaking estate, designed and laid out by Capability Brown in 1764. Kinzett crafts amazing figurative sculptures by cutting and forming different kinds of wire. His work is beautiful, stunning & spiritual. Besides, it gained recognition and respect for its intricacy and detail. You can view a selection of Derek’s work on the YouTube video (inside the post).

Wire sculpture by English Artist Derek Kinzett

Self-portrait. Wire sculptor Kinzett next to his creation

Beautiful wire sculpture by Derek Kinzett

Wire sculpture by English Artist Derek Kinzett

Cyclist. Wire sculpture by English Artist Kinzett

Wire sculpture by English Artist Derek Kinzett

A woman on a bicycle. Wire sculpture by English Artist

Wire sculpture by English Artist Derek Kinzett

A set of Wire sculptures

Wire sculpture by English Artist Derek Kinzett

Garden sculpture of Wire

Wire sculpture by English Artist Derek Kinzett

A figure of a woman sitting on a stump

Wire sculpture by English Artist Derek Kinzett

Man’s Wire sculpture

Wire sculpture by English Artist Derek Kinzett

Detail of sculpture

Wire sculpture by English Artist Derek Kinzett

Religious theme sculpture

Wire sculpture by English Artist Derek Kinzett

Fragment of sculpture

Wire sculpture by English Artist Derek Kinzett

Details of Wire sculpture

Wire sculpture by English Artist Derek Kinzett

A bike
