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Labrador adopts bird whose mother was killed by a fox

Labrador adopts bird whose mother was killed by a fox

The baby duck Dennis on the head of a kind dog. Labrador adopts bird duckling Dennis, who lost his mother killed by a fox

Labrador adopts bird whose mother was killed by a fox
These are the pictures of an adorable duckling ‘adopted’ by a Labrador after his mother was mauled to death by a fox. The baby duck Dennis, which was less than a week old, would have died in the wild. Fortunately, a four-year-old Fred took an immediate shine to the duckling. In particular, he began to clean the muddy duck with its tongue. Now the unlikely mates sleep together, play together and even go swimming in the local pond. According to Jeremy, the owner of Labrador, who found a poor bird at the Mountfitchet Castle, “Fred has become ‘a modern stay at home dad’ to the duckling”.

Labrador adopts a duckling whose mother was killed by a fox

‘A modern stay at home dad’ to the duckling, Labrador Fred and Dennis, the duckling who lost mother killed by a fox

Labrador adopts bird whose mother was killed by a fox

Labrador adopts bird whose mother was killed by a fox

Fred, Labrador and his friend – duckling Dennis, who lost his mother killed by a fox

Labrador adopts bird whose mother was killed by a fox

Noble and clever dog – Labrador Fred adopted a duckling named Dennis, after he lost his mother