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Newgrange older than Stonehenge and pyramids of Giza

Newgrange older than Stonehenge and pyramids of Giza. UNESCO World Heritage Site Newgrange. Entrance stone with megalithic art

UNESCO World Heritage Site. Entrance stone with megalithic art. Newgrange older than Stonehenge and pyramids of Giza

Newgrange older than Stonehenge and pyramids of Giza
In fact, Newgrange is the oldest construction on the Earth. This prehistoric monument is in County Meath, Ireland. Built around 3200 BC, during the Neolithic period, the ancient monument had a religious significance. Aligned with the rising sun on the winter solstice, which flooded the stone room with light. Newgrange is also older than Stonehenge and the great pyramids of Giza. Today, UNESCO World Heritage Site Newgrange is a popular tourist site. Also, widely recognized as one of the most important megalithic structures in Europe.

UNESCO World Heritage Site Newgrange

UNESCO World Heritage Site Newgrange

UNESCO World Heritage Site Newgrange. Archaeological Ensemble of the Bend of the Boyne

Archaeological Ensemble of the Bend of the Boyne. UNESCO World Heritage Site Newgrange

The Neolithic people who built the monument were native agriculturalists. They were growing crops and raising animals such as cattle in the area next to their settlements. However, they had not yet developed metal, so they used all their tools made out of stone, wood, antler or bone.

Newgrange older than Stonehenge and pyramids of Giza

Newgrange older than Stonehenge and pyramids of Giza

UNESCO World Heritage Site Newgrange


Mysterious Newgrange, UNESCO World Heritage Site


Unique Newgrange, UNESCO World Heritage Site


the oldest construction on the Earth – Newgrange

Prehistoric monument, UNESCO World Heritage Site Newgrange

Prehistoric monument, UNESCO World Heritage Site Newgrange

Prehistoric monument, UNESCO World Heritage Site Newgrange

Entrance stone in Newgrange

Prehistoric monument, UNESCO World Heritage Site Newgrange

Exposition in Newgrange

Prehistoric monument, UNESCO World Heritage Site Newgrange

Newgrange, upon its hill
