Beauty will save

Beauty in everything

Beautiful Vintage Christmas

Beautiful Vintage Christmas. Retro photograph

A girl with a fir tree. Retro photograph. Beautiful Vintage Christmas

Beautiful Vintage Christmas
According to history of Christmas tree lights, in 1917, when Albert Sadacca was 15, there was a terrible fire in New York City. Unfortunately, it was a Christmas tree catching fire, for in those days people decorated Christmas trees placing candles on the branches. Now it just so happened that Albert’s family, who had come from Spain, had a novelity business selling wicker cages with imitation birds in them that lit up. Meanwhile, Albert suggested to his parents that they begin making electric lights for Christmas trees. Besides, they had lots of bulbs on hand, and it would be much safer than using candles.

X-mas tree in Connecticut

Decorating Vintage Christmas tree in Connecticut

The Sadaccas thought Albert had a good idea, but only one hundred strings of electric Christmas tree lights sold in the first year. After Albert thought of painting the bulbs red, green and other colors instead of using plain glass, business picked up sharply. Albert became the head of multi-million dollar company.

Each Christmas finds me dreaming
Of days that used to be,
When we hid presents here and there,
For all the family.

Each Christmas I remember
The fragrance in the air,
Of roasting turkey and mince pies
And cookies everywhere.

Each Christmas finds me longing
For Christmases now past,
And I am back in childhood
As long as memories last.

Carice Williams

Vintage Christmas
Christmas Past
Each Christmas I remember
The ones of long ago;
I see our mantelpiece adorned
With stockings in a row.

Beautiful Vintage Christmas

Scene from the vintage movie

Scene from the vintage movie

Retro photograph of Christmas

Children singing Christmas song

Retro photograph of Christmas

Women decorating a tree

Retro photograph of Christmas

Teddy bear for Christmas. Retro photograph of Christmas

Retro photograph of Christmas

Santa with children. Retro photograph of Christmas

Retro photograph of Christmas

Russian antique, Christmas

Retro photograph of Christmas

A choir of Santas

Retro photograph of Christmas

A couple on Christmas. Retro photograph

Retro photograph of Christmas

Season’s greetings

Retro photograph of Christmas

Happy children. Retro photograph of Christmas

Retro photograph of Christmas

Antique greeting postcard beginning of the twentieth century

Retro photograph of Christmas

Old fashioned family Christmas greeting card

Retro photograph of Christmas

Rita Hayworth

Retro photograph of Christmas

Sally Phipps

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