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Wire Mesh Portraits by Seung Mo Park

Wire Mesh Portraits by Seung Mo Park

Dertail of Wire Mesh Portraits by Seung Mo Park, Korean artist

Wire Mesh Portraits by Seung Mo Park
Korean artist Seung Mo Park works with layers of wire mesh to create beautiful large-scale portraits. These true sculptural masterpieces are part of Park’s latest series, called Maya. Seung Mo Park starts off the creative process with a photo session. He then picks out the pictures he wants to recreate and heads to his studio, where he begins clipping away at several wire mesh layers. Using his unearthly sense of depth, the Korean artist is able to cut just enough out of each layer so that when he places them in the final artwork they render a perfect copy of the photograph.

Seung Mo Park

Female portrait created from wire mesh. Artwork by Korean artist Seung Mo Park

Wire Mesh Portraits by Seung Mo Park