Beauty will save

Beauty in everything

Pink lake Hillier

Pink lake Hillier

Fabulous Pink lake Hillier

Pink lake Hillier
Mysterious, surrounded by many legends, Lake Hillier stretched serenely and majestically on the Australian coast. A miracle lake on the Middle Island, is a part of the archipelago, and consists of hundreds of small islands. They stretch for miles along the southern coast of Australia. The entire island Hillier is a unique conservation area. The width of the lake is just 600 meters away and it has brilliant pink color of surface. Thanks to the Lake Hillier, wooded median island gets a lot of unusual colors. Pink water surrounded on all sides by bright green gum trees, separated from the blue hue of the ocean only by white sand strip.
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Flying cars against traffic jam

Flying cars against traffic jam

The car that can take-off from standing still. Flying cars against traffic jam

Flying cars against traffic jam
The first flying cars that can take off vertically if you get stuck in a traffic jam are set to go on sale to the public as early as 2015. The Massachusetts firm Terrafugia has announced its Transition design, which is part sedan, part private jet with two seats. Also, four wheels and wings that fold up so it can be driven like a car. The firm has also unveiled plans for a TF-X model that will be small enough to fit in a garage, and won’t need a runway to take off. The Transition will cost $300,000.
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Patomskiy crater

Patomskiy crater

Mysterious crater was discovered in 1951 by geologist Vladimir Kolpakov. Patomskiy crater

Patomskiy crater
Located in Irkutsk region of southeastern Siberia, the crater is a cone-shaped hill, consisting of crushed limestone. The diameter of it up to 180 m and a height of 40 meters at the top – whether the meteor crater, or volcanic origin. The locals call it “Fire Eagle’s Nest.” Noteworthy, it was geologist Vladimir Kolpakov, who discovered the Mysterious crater in 1951. To date, it is still one of the most mysterious objects in the natural world. In size and appearance it looks like a lunar crater. According to studies of Siberian scientists, the crater formed during the 300-350 years since the end of the beginning of the 15th or 16th centuries. Several scientific expeditions have been sent to the crater, but the nature of its origin remains a mystery.
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We are all liars

We are all liars. Liar Liar, 1997

1997 film “Liar Liar”. We are all liars

We are all liars
Are you a liar? ‘No’ you will say angrily. And so will most people. Nobody like liars. But if somebody asks you a question, “Do you always tell the truth?’ your answer will not be so certain. Suppose you meet someone in the street who you used to go to the office with. “How are you?” – you ask. Lie # 1, you really don’t care. “Fine, thanks”, – he answers. Lie #2, he has got terrible headache. “You look well” – you say. Lie #3. You don’t think he looks well at all. When you say good-bye, you add “Have a good time”. Lie #4 – you actually don’t wish this at all, because you have never liked him. He says “Anyway, let’s keep in touch”. Lie #5 – he hopes he will never see you again. Do you realize that in a single minute 5 lies were told?
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Prehistoric cave paintings

Prehistoric cave paintings. Cave of Altamira, the Sistine Chapel of the cave painting, near Santander, Spain

Altamira, the Sistine Chapel of the cave painting, near Santander, Spain. Prehistoric cave paintings

Prehistoric cave paintings.

After visiting the cave of Altamira in northern Spain, Pablo Picasso said, “After all the works of art in Altamira all art began to decline.” He was not joking. Art in the cave, and in many other caves, which are located in France, Spain and other countries, is one of the greatest masterpieces of ​​art ever created. Discovered in the late 19th century, surprisingly, the patterns found in the rocks were of such high quality that scientists have long questioned their authenticity, and even accused the discoverer Marcelino Sanz de Sautuola in forging paintings. Many do not believe in intellectual potential of primitive people. Unfortunately, the discoverer died before 1902. This mountain paintings were found genuine. Images made with charcoal and ocher. Scientists continue to evaluate the age of the cave art at Altamira. In 2008, researchers using uranium-thorium dating found that the paintings were completed over a period of up to 20,000 years rather than during a comparatively brief period. In 2012, further uranium-thorium dating research was published supporting an older age for portions of the art, including one claviform image at 35,600 years old.
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Ladybower Reservoir Portal to other worlds

Ladybower Reservoir Portal to other worlds

The Upper Derwent Valley in Derbyshire, England. Ladybower Reservoir Portal to other worlds

Ladybower Reservoir Portal to other worlds
Undoubtedly, it is the best association with this picturesque place. However, the funnel reservoir is not a miracle of nature, it’s human technological interaction with nature. Of course, the impressive sight, like the gateway to hell, has become a popular tourist location. Ladybower is a large Y-shaped reservoir, the lowest of three in the Upper Derwent Valley in Derbyshire, England. Built between 1935 and 1943 by the Derwent Valley Water Board, it took a further two years to fill (1945).
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Three girls abducted ten years ago found alive

Three girls abducted ten years ago found alive

Three girls abducted ten years ago found alive. Amanda Berry (center) at the Cleveland Hospital alongside her emotional sister (left) and the daughter that she gave birth to during the 10 years she was held against her will. Photo

Three girls abducted ten years ago found alive
The girls found in the basement of a house in Ohio – where they were held captive in chains. They were discovered after neighbor heard screams. A girl aged six, was also found alive after one of the women gave birth in captivity. Police arrested 52-year-old captor Ariel Castro, who owned house at a nearby McDonald’s. His two brothers were arrested too. Amanda Berry, 26, went missing in 2003 when she was 16. Gina DeJesus, 23, disappeared when she was aged 14 in 2004. Michelle Knight, 32, disappeared in 2000 when she was 20. They were kidnapped on the same street, just three miles from where they were found. Police found chains hanging from ceilings inside the home.
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Stone wonders of Russia

Stone wonders of Russia. Orenburg Camel Hill

Stone wonders of Russia. Orenburg Camel Hill

Stone wonders of Russia.
Camel Hill (Verblyuzhka Mountain, Russian – Верблюжка) is located in the Orenburg region, 9 km south-east of the village Vostochny on the left bank of the East ephemeral stream Aschisu. It is an outlier quartzite rock up to 20 meters. Double-humped camel is one of the most original natural sculptures and a symbol of the Orenburg Ural steppes. For a long time the wind blew the soil, and the mountain, composed solid rock into a twenty-meter quartz boulder that resembles a lying camel.
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Multicolored Siamese fighting fish

Multicolored Siamese fighting fish. red and white half moon Betta fish

Red and white half moon Betta fish. Multicolored Siamese fighting fish

Multicolored Siamese fighting fish
Siamese fighting fish, or Betta splendens is a popular species of freshwater aquarium fish. Betta is known as the Siamese fighting fish because males are extremely territorial and will fight to the death if put into the same tank where the weaker male cannot escape from the territory of the dominant fish. They recognize other Betta fish by sight and if a male Betta is shown his reflection in a mirror, it will cause him to flare his fins and engage in intimidating displays before trying to attack his own reflection. The name of the genus is derived from ikan bettah, taken from a local dialect of Malay. The wild ancestors of this fish are native to the rice paddies of Thailand, Malaysia, Cambodia and Vietnam. If only one couple is in the aquarium — male and female, normally they have dull coloring with a touch of basic color-red, blue, green or pink with brown oblong strips running along the body from head to tail, and only during the spawning, both are painted in bright colors. The male Betta splendens depicted on the wallpaper desktop core themes Windows 7 Beta.
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