Sirin mythological creature of Russian legends

Sirin mythological creature of Russian legends

Sirin mythological creature of Russian legends
Sirin mythological creature of Russian legends

Sirin mythological creature of Russian legends

With the head and chest of a beautiful woman and the body of a bird, Sirin is not alone in Russian folklore. Its closest relatives are Gamayun (Humayun) and Alconost. Sirins sang beautiful songs to the saints, foretelling future joys. However, for mortals the birds were dangerous. Men who heard them would forget everything on earth, follow them, and ultimately die. Later the image of Sirins changed and they started to symbolize world harmony (as they live near paradise). Also, it symbolizes eternal joy and heavenly happiness and inspired artists for creating paintings, drawings, sculpture.

Triptych Alcon Sirin, Gamayun
Triptych Alcon Sirin, Gamayun

Meanwhile, sometimes Sirins are as a metaphor for God’s word going into the soul of a man. But it also can be a metaphor of heretics tempting the weak. By the way, the mythical bird is equivalent to the Polish Wila. In Russian folklore, Sirin was mixed with the revered religious writer Saint Ephrem the Syrian. Thus, peasant lyricists such as Nikolay Klyuev often used Sirins as a synonym for poet.

In heraldry Erie-bird of paradise Gamayun (Humayun) – a mythical bird of happiness. Also symbolizes peace, wealth, prosperity, and greatness. In Russia it is a prophetic bird, depicted for example, on the coat of arms of the following Russian settlements and regions – Smolensk, Mikhailovsk (Sverdlovsk region), Terbuny, and Udmurtia.

Elena Flerova. Sirin
Elena Flerova. Sirin

Traditionally, Sirin sings prophetic songs about the future bliss. In the morning on Apple Spas Sirin arrives in the apple orchard, where it is sad and crying. In the afternoon the bird Alconost replaces it and brings rejoices and laughs.

Unlike Sirin and Alkonost, Humayun came to Russia not from ancient Greece. Its roots can be found in Iranian folklore, in which the bird appears. Gamayun is clever and wise. Among the Slavs bird Gamayun gained great popularity. In addition, it is the embodiment of Veles – god of wisdom, knowing and keeping the secret of creation, the birth of the gods and humans. The messenger of peace to the people it arrives and sings an ancient book “Songs”. “Prophetic bird, wise bird, you know a lot, a lot … You tell knowest, Gamayun, sing, narrate to us … ” – “Do not deny that Veda … ”

E. Flerova. Sirin
E. Flerova. Sirin

Flying bird Gamayun in heraldry symbolizes happiness, good luck. Bird pythoness Gamayun never depicted with two other birds of paradise – Alcon and Sirin. She was always alone, knowing the fate of the world and Veda, human fates.

Sirin sculpture decorates the building of Former Russian Peasant Bank of 1906 (October street, 39), Poltava, Ukraine. Now the building belongs to security service. Built by engineer S. Nosov and architect AV Kobelev. The decoration widely used parts of Russian architecture. Special picturesqueness gives multicolored mosaic. The central entrance on the cut corner of the building is decorated with decorative mosaic panel. Building suffered during the Great Patriotic War, rebuilt in 1948 by architect N. Onishchenko. The monument is a piece of architecture, pseudo-Russian style.

One of the most interesting images of Sirin belongs to artist Elena Flerova (the gallery of images below). Born in Moscow, on December 19, 1943, Elena Flerova graduated from the Academy of Arts. Winner of International Competitions. Her art works are exhibited in galleries and private collections in Russia, Italy, Switzerland, Australia, Israel, Germany, England, China and other countries.

Sirin mythological creature of Russian legends

USSR film “Sadko”, 1952. Phoenix – Lydia Vertinskaya
USSR film “Sadko”, 1952. Phoenix – Lydia Vertinskaya
Lydia Vertinskaya as Sirin
Lydia Vertinskaya as Sirin
Phoenix – Lydia Vertinskaya
Scene from the film. Phoenix – Lydia Vertinskaya
Viktor Vasnetsov. Humayun, prophetic bird. 1895. The Daghestan Museum of Fine Arts
Viktor Vasnetsov. Humayun, prophetic bird. 1895. The Daghestan Museum of Fine Arts
V. Vasnetsov. Sirin (left) and Alkonost Birds of Joy and Sorrow (1896)
V. Vasnetsov. Sirin (left) and Alkonost Birds of Joy and Sorrow (1896)
Artist V. Korolkov, Sirin
Artist V. Korolkov, Sirin
Painting by V. Korolkov – Sirin
Painting by V. Korolkov – Sirin
Sirin, box. Wood carving
Sirin, box. Wood carving
Jewellery box Sirin
Jewellery box Sirin
Artist Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin (1876–1942). Sirin
Artist Ivan Yakovlevich Bilibin (1876–1942). Sirin
Popular print of XVIII century. Bird of Paradise with a head of virgin. Christian idea of the pagan mermaids
Popular print of XVIII century. Bird of Paradise with a head of virgin. Christian idea of the pagan mermaids
Mythological creature
Stunning Sirin, Mythological creature
The second half of the XIX century. Unknown artist. Ink, tempera and gold. Title – ‘Birds of the Syrian’. Acquired in the Market Place in 1903. Artist combined two identical bird maidens by placing them in a large tree. Paired image of birds of paradise in this composition characterized by independence solutions
The second half of the XIX century. Unknown artist. Ink, tempera and gold. Title – ‘Birds of the Syrian’. Acquired in the Market Place in 1903. Artist combined two identical bird maidens by placing them in a large tree. Paired image of birds of paradise in this composition characterized by independence solutions
Alexander Voronkov. Sirin
Alexander Voronkov. Sirin
V. Korolkov. Sirin
V. Korolkov. Sirin
Alconost. Artist Ivan Bilibin
Alconost. Artist Ivan Bilibin
Elina Khasyanova, Sirin the bird
Elina Khasyanova, Sirin the bird
Contemporary art. Digital image of Sirin
Contemporary art. Digital image of Sirin
Gamayun, artist V. Korolkov
Gamayun, artist V. Korolkov
Bird of happiness, Gamayun
Blue Bird of happiness, Gamayun
Gifts of alconost
Gifts of alconost
Ilya Glazunov. Alconost birds
Ilya Glazunov. Alconost birds
Maria Fedorova. Gold bird of Sirin. 1992
Maria Fedorova. Gold bird of Sirin. 1992
The first half of the 19th century. Sirin bird of paradise on apple
The first half of the 19th century. Sirin bird of paradise on apple
Painting by unknown artist Sirin bird of paradise. 1818
Painting by unknown artist Sirin bird of paradise. 1818
On a grape tree. 1710
On a grape tree. 1710
Former Russian Peasant Bank of 1906 (October street, 39), Poltava, Ukraine. Now the building belongs to security service. Built by engineer S. Nosov and architect AV Kobelev. Sirin sculpture
Beautiful Sirin sculpture decorates the building of Former Russian Peasant Bank of 1906 (October street, 39), Poltava, Ukraine. Now the building belongs to security service. Built by engineer S. Nosov and architect AV Kobelev
Former Russian Peasant Bank of 1906 (October street, 39), Poltava, Ukraine. Now the building belongs to security service. Built by engineer S. Nosov and architect AV Kobelev. Sirin sculpture
The sculpture of Sitin decorates the building of Former Russian Peasant Bank of 1906
Former Russian Peasant Bank of 1906 (October street, 39), Poltava, Ukraine. Now the building belongs to security service. Built by engineer S. Nosov and architect AV Kobelev. Sirin sculpture
The building of Former Russian Peasant Bank of 1906


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