Precious turtle. Exhibition of Artworks by Alik Dovbysh
Exhibition of Artworks by Alik Dovbysh
Russian/Ukrainian mixed media artist and designer Alik Dovbysh was born in Kharkov, now he lives in Moscow. His art work – paintings, sculptures, decorations are creative and fresh. In addition to painted details or sculptures, the artist uses different materials – coins, stones, freshwater pearls, beads, shells, details of mechanisms, watches, placed on textile, panels from different types of trees. look at some of his handmade beautiful installations.
Fabulous art installation by Alik Dovbysh
Exhibition of Artworks by Alik Dovbysh
Weird doll. Exhibition of Art installations by DovbyshFelted doll. Exhibition of Art installations by Alik DovbyshCute felted doll with a kittenMorning scene. Felted dolls. Exhibition of Art installations by Alik DovbyshA creature with umbrella. Exhibition of Art installations by Alik DovbyshTypes of folk headwear. Exhibition of Art installations by Alik DovbyshBallerinas. Exhibition of Art installations by Alik Dovbysh19th century dolls. Exhibition of Art installations by Alik DovbyshPuppet theater. Exhibition of Art installations by Alik DovbyshFamily portrait. Exhibition of Art installations by Alik DovbyshPhotographer. Doll art by Alik DovbyshTaking a shower. Knitted dollSpring rat. Exhibition of Art installations by Alik DovbyshHandmade dolls by Alik DovbyshKnitting. Art installations by Alik DovbyshHarp playerPilot IgorPoet PushkinPerforming ballerinaFlower manDuremarOld evil creatureInstallations by Alik DovbyshCoin fishFish, wall decorationSeahorse detailCreative clocksElephant under the MoonBeaded patternLizardTortilla with a keyWall decoration – elephantBeautiful clocks