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Last love of Vladimir Mayakovsky Tatiana Yakovleva

Last love of Vladimir Mayakovsky Tatiana Yakovleva

Muse of Dior, fashion designer, beautiful model and Last love of Vladimir Mayakovsky Tatiana Yakovleva (March 25, 1906 – April 28, 1991)

Last love of Vladimir Mayakovsky Tatiana Yakovleva
One of the most touching stories of Mayakovsky’s life happened to him in Paris when he fell in love with Tatiana Yakovleva. Between them there could be nothing in common. A Russian emigre, chiseled and refined, brought up on Pushkin and Tyutchev, did not take a word from the chopped, hard, ragged poems of a fashionable Soviet poet, an “icebreaker” from the Land of Soviets.
She did not take any of his words at all, even in real life. Fierce, frantic, going ahead, living on his last breath, he frightened her with his unrestrained passion. She was not touched neither by his dog devotion, nor his fame. Her heart remained indifferent. And Mayakovsky left for Moscow alone.

From this instantly flared and not held love, with him remained a secret grief, and with us – a magical poem “Letter to Tatyana Yakovleva” with the words: “I’ll take you one or two with Paris!”

Last love of Vladimir Mayakovsky Tatiana Yakovleva

Fashion model and last love of Vladimir Mayakovsky Tatiana Yakovleva (March 25, 1906 – April 28, 1991)

Meanwhile, she had flowers left. Or rather, Flowers. All his fee for the Paris performances Vladimir Mayakovsky put in the bank of the famous Parisian flower company with the only condition. It was – several times a week Tatiana Yakovleva must receive a bouquet of the most beautiful and unusual flowers. In particular, hydrangeas, Parma violets, black tulips, tea roses of orchids, asters and chrysanthemums. The Paris firm with a solid name clearly followed the instructions of an extravagant client. And since then, despite the weather and time of year, from year to year, Tatyana Yakovleva got bouquets of fantastic beauty. A messenger knocked at the door with the only phrase: “From Mayakovsky”.

Already used to the fact that he regularly invades her life, she knew that he is somewhere near and sends flowers to her. They did not see each other, but the fact of existence of a person who loves her so much influenced everything that happens to her. This way the Moon affects to some extent everything that lives on Earth only because it constantly rotates nearby.

He committed suicide in 1930 – this news stunned her, as a blow to an unexpected force. She no longer understood how she would live on – without this crazy love, dissolved in flowers. However, there was not a word about his death at the disposal left to the flower firm by the poet in love. And the next day a messenger with an unchanging bouquet and invariable words appeared on her doorstep: “From Mayakovsky”.

Valentina Sanina and Yakovleva

Valentina Sanina and Yakovleva

Indeed, great love is stronger than death, but not everyone can implement this statement in real life. Vladimir Mayakovsky succeeded. Flowers were brought in the 1930s, when he died, and in the 1940s… Meanwhile, during the Second World War, in the German-occupied Paris, she survived only because she sold these luxurious bouquets on the boulevard. If each flower was the word “love”, then for several years the words of his love saved her from starving to death.

Then the Allied troops liberated Paris, then, she cried with all of her happiness when the Russians entered Berlin. And she continued to receive these wonderful flowers of love. Messengers grew up before her eyes, new ones came to replace the former ones, and these new ones already knew that they were becoming part of a great legend. And already as a password that gives them a pass to eternity, they said, smiling with a smile of the conspirators: “From Mayakovsky”. Flowers from Mayakovsky have now become Parisian history.

True and beautiful story, one day, in the late 1970s, the Soviet engineer Arkady Ryvlin heard this story in his youth, from his mother, and always dreamed of getting to Paris. Tatiana Yakovleva was still alive, and willingly accepted her compatriot. They talked for a long time about everything in the world.

In this cozy house flowers were everywhere – as a tribute to the legend, and it was uncomfortable to ask the gray-haired royal lady about the love of her youth. But at some point, after all, he could not stand it any longer, asked if it was true that the flowers from Mayakovsky had saved her during the war. Is not this story a beautiful fairy tale? Is it possible that so many years in a row … Tatyana answered – drink tea. You’re in no hurry, are you?

And at that moment the doorbell rang … He never in his life saw such a luxurious bouquet, behind which he couldn’t see a face of a messenger. A bouquet of golden Japanese chrysanthemums, like clots of the sun. And from the armful of this glittering splendor in the sun, the voice of the messenger said: “From Mayakovsky.”

Born 105 years ago in St. Petersburg, she spent her childhood in Penza. However, soon she moved to France. The official reason for traveling to Paris was the need for treatment for tuberculosis. Yakovleva managed to leave Russia thanks to the patronage of Mr. Citroën, the very owner of the car concern. Citroen was friends with Uncle of Tatiana, the famous artist Alexander Yakovlev, who helped him create sketches of future cars.

Christian Dior and Tatiana Yakovleva, 1950

Christian Dior and Tatiana Yakovleva, 1950

In Paris, 19 year-old Tatiana immediately plunged into the stormy social life of the French capital. The beauty of the girl helped her get a job on the podium. And very soon the whole city admired the advertising posters, decorated with the face of Russian beauty Tatiana Yakovleva.

Unfortunately, the story of love of Vladimir Mayakovsky and Tatiana Yakovleva ended tragically. Mayakovsky went to Russia and never saw Tatyana again. There was talk that it was Brick who did everything not to let the poet get the opportunity to go abroad. And Mayakovsky plainly said: “If I do not see Tatyana, I will shoot myself.” That’s exactly what he did in April 1930.
Yakovlev survived him for more than 60 years. She managed to marry the Viscount du Plessis, give birth to his daughter, widowed and remarried. But Mayakovsky still did not leave her life.

In July 1941, Charles de Gaulle himself gave her the order. She was the widow of a French Lieutenant Bertrand du Plessis, shot down over the Mediterranean by the fascists. She was the legendary Tatiana Yakovleva, the last love of Mayakovsky, the closest friend of Marlene Dietrich and the muse of Christian Dior …

Last love of Vladimir Mayakovsky Tatiana Yakovleva

1970s photo of Tatiana Yakovleva

1970s photo of Tatiana Yakovleva

Aged Tatiana Yakovleva

Aged Tatiana Yakovleva

Beautiful Tatyana Yakovleva

Beautiful Tatyana Yakovleva

Divinely beautiful Tatiana Yakovleva

Divinely beautiful Tatiana Yakovleva

Gorgeous model Tatyana Yakovleva

Gorgeous model Tatyana Yakovleva

Last love of Mayakovsky, Tatyana Yakovleva

Last love of Mayakovsky, Tatyana Yakovleva

Lieberman and his wife Tatiana Yakovleva

Lieberman and his wife Tatiana Yakovleva

Little girl Tanya Yakovleva

Little girl Tanya Yakovleva

Muse of poet, Tatiana Yakovleva

Muse of poet, Tatiana Yakovleva

Poet Vladimir Mayakovsky

Poet Vladimir Mayakovsky

Russian beauty Tatiana Yakovleva

Russian beauty Tatiana Yakovleva

Tatiana and her daughter Francine in Connecticut

Tatiana and her daughter Francine in Connecticut

Young model Tatiana Yakovleva

Young model Tatiana Yakovleva