Russian matryoshka by Tatiana Ulianova

Russian matryoshka by Tatiana Ulianova
A well-known Russian nesting doll, Matryoshka – a set of wooden dolls of decreasing size placed one inside the other. Traditionally, modern artists create many new styles of nesting dolls. And common themes include floral, Christmas, Easter, religious, animal collections, portraits and caricatures of famous politicians, musicians, athletes, astronauts, “robots” and celebrities. As an example, look at the beautiful gallery “Matryoshka from Mytishchi” created by Russian artist of applied art Tatiana Ulyanova.
Noteworthy, the master creates each nesting doll individually, achieving high quality thorough the professional execution of each phase of work. First, the artist paints the doll in watercolor and gouache paints. Then, the artist covers the painted dolls with several layers of lacquer – high polyurethane. And finally, each layer of lacquer should be dried for some period of time.
Russian matryoshka by Tatiana Ulianova