Beauty does not last forever. Ornella Muti quotes
Beauty Life style

Beauty does not last forever. Ornella Muti quotes

Beauty does not last forever. Ornella Muti quotes
Beauty does not last forever. Ornella Muti quotes

About herself. Ornella Muti quotes
I had a difficult period in my life, so I stayed in the village, drew and painted.
I do not drink alcohol at all. I do not like the state of intoxication, and I’ve never been drunk in my life.
To grow old is sick. To deny this is hypocrite.
I’ve always been very timid and still a very timid person.
All that I did not like in people, I tried to find in myself and get rid of it. Everything I liked, I tried to obtain.
Each of us knows what is good and what is bad for him.
I like to go in for sports – this is passion.
My real name is Francesca, so my family and friends call me.
Although I love to chat, I will not say anything superfluous.
I speak German, Italian, French, Spanish and English.
I’m sentimental, but there’s nothing wrong with that.

I am very silent, always tried to stay somewhere in the corner and watch other people. Ornella Muti quotes
I am very silent, always tried to stay somewhere in the corner and watch other people. Ornella Muti quotes

About beauty:
Charm is a matter of luck, but I’m sure: to some extent, every woman has it.
The inner life of each person gives light. This light is what we call beauty.
You have to constantly monitor yourself – the results of care – always determined visually.
You can make plastic and be happy, but you can be happy, without making plastic.
Why should an old woman try to make herself young? That’s funny.
Women love to change – this is our game.
What kind of plastic? A beautiful chest, for example, I have only thanks to nature and my 3 children, which I have fed long enough.
Let me go, so that I remain myself, do change me – love the way I am. The inner life of each person gives light. This light is what we call beauty.
Italian women or French women are no more sexy than American women and English women. This is a myth, invented by Hollywood producers, who invite foreign stars to star in the cinema.
Now we pursue a myth of an ideal form, thinness at all costs.
Movement is the best way to be in good shape.
Beauty does not last forever.

I always look for defects and shortcomings and constantly strive for excellence
I always look for defects and shortcomings and constantly strive for excellence

About charity:
If you can, you must help.
If your money lost on the way to the poor, then for this, before God, will answer the one who did it …
This world is terrible, people suffer very much in the world, but this should not be.
If you are rich, you must help another.
On the one hand, it is a duty, and on the other hand it is a pleasure to help those who feel worse than you.
Today our world has become a little crazy. The concept of brotherhood has gone out of fashion, and it is necessary to support it.

I like it when people say compliments to me, but that does not mean that I always look perfect
I like it when people say compliments to me, but that does not mean that I always look perfect

About family
Relationships with children come first.
Being a mother is difficult, and the mother of three children is very difficult.
To see how your children suffer, when something does not work out for them, is terrible.
I feel good when my children are fine.
I do not need to look for time to communicate with children. My children are my life.
I think that my fate could be very different if there were no family and children.
In the hospital, I read a book about American Indians and saw in it the name of Nike. It was written incorrectly, as I later learned. But I called my daughter Nike.
I’m amazed at how my children grow up. And I’m happy when I have an opportunity to talk to them and advise them something.

Adriano Celentano is unique. There is nobody like him

About profession
Acting profession is not marmalade.
How come you did not fall in love with your movie partners – Alain Delon and Adriano Celentano? “Because I was waiting for my husband Fabrice and only him!”
You need to do your job well, invest your heart and soul into it.
It does not matter if you’re first or second. It is important that you do your work honestly, and you like it.
To compete with Sophia Loren does not make sense. Sophia’s Sophia!
I was lucky, life provided a chance to work with great directors and actors.
I worked with a lot of directors, and I took something from everyone.
I could not do well in Hollywood, because I’m a typical European actress.
I can play girls of any nationality, because I have a lot of foreign blood in me.
For success in Hollywood you must have a special competitive spirit. I do not have it.
Today I would hardly have acted nude.
It is very important to be in harmony with yourself and your profession.
I love all my roles.

Ornella Muti quotes

Alain Delon is a wonderful person – gentle, educated, kind. (photo of 1980s)
Alain Delon is a wonderful person – gentle, educated, kind. (photo of 1980s)
I am a feminist who loves men
I am a feminist who loves men
I do not make secrets from my years, and probably it’s good. Since people give me much less than there really is. (in this photo she is 61)
I do not make secrets from my years, and probably it’s good. Since people give me much less than there really is. (in this photo she is 61)
I remember myself as an inept girl who did not know how and what to do in her life
I remember myself as an inept girl who did not know how and what to do in her life
It’s good when a man has a sense of humor. Serious men – too hard for me
It’s good when a man has a sense of humor. Serious men – too hard for me
My face does not get better. And, if I see in myself elements of withering, I try to take it philosophically
My face does not get better. And, if I see in myself elements of withering, I try to take it philosophically
Nobody, except Russian directors, can truly reveal all the features of the Russian soul. Ornella with Russian film director Nikita Mikhalkov
Nobody, except Russian directors, can truly reveal all the features of the Russian soul. Ornella with Russian film director Nikita Mikhalkov
Russians – people, as a rule, are deep, friendly, often prone to melancholy
Russians – people, as a rule, are deep, friendly, often prone to melancholy
Success for me is synonymous with freedom
Success for me is synonymous with freedom
The truth is that not for any chance you have to grab
The truth is that not for any chance you have to grab
When the shooting ends, I’m left alone – as in the desert
When the shooting ends, I’m left alone – as in the desert
You can not hide your age from yourself. The main thing – how you look
You can not hide your age from yourself. The main thing – how you look