Beauty will save

Beauty in everything

Category Archive: Nature

What a beautiful Earth

What a beautiful Earth

What a beautiful Earth

What a beautiful Earth. There she is, Planet Earth. Isn’t she beautiful? It’s Earth Day, that day dedicated to celebrating and contemplating the beauty, fragility, health and get-your-hands-dirty earthiness of our fair planet. Like any other holiday — much less one founded just two generations ago by hippies — Earth Day has its share of grinches, complaining about eco-sanctimony and whining that it hasn’t solved the world’s problems. (Isn’t Christmas terrible? All those gifts, and we still have war!) And then there’s the slightly confused hangers-on: did you know that Major League Baseball “has spent more than a century largely bracing against and defying Mother Nature, working alongside her in a kind of grounds-keeping pact”?
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Did you sleep well

Did you sleep well

Funny pictures of favorite pets and their owners. Did you sleep well

Did you sleep well ?
“Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn” ― said Mahatma Gandhi. The funny and touching photographs of sleeping people and their pets inspired me to create this post. In addition, some quotes of famous people about sleeping will accompany the images in this post.
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When a man has pity on all living creatures

When a man has pity on all living creatures. Social advertising of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is designed to attract people's attention to environmental issues

Social advertising of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is designed to attract people’s attention to environmental issues. When a man has pity on all living creatures

“When a man has pity on all living creatures, then only is he noble.” – The Buddha.
The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) designed Social advertising to attract people’s attention to environmental issues and to reflect on how each of us can change your life a little bit to help save our planet and its inhabitants. However, the modern man, blase information and advertising, unlikely to pay attention to the calls of enthusiasts.

The ecological crisis is doing what no other crisis in history has ever done – challenging us to a realization of a new humanity. According to World Resources Institute, by 2025, at least 3.5 billion people – about half the world’s populations – will live in areas without enough water for agriculture, industry, and human needs… Worldwide, water quality conditions appear to have degraded in almost all regions with intensive agriculture and in large urban and industrial areas.
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You are not alone

You are not alone

The pictures were taken by a Russian photographer Anatoly Strakhov, who spotted the seal on Tyuleniy Island, Russia. Photo You are not alone

You are not alone
It’s tough being ginger even when you’re a seal: Lonely pup shunned by his colony. Sitting all alone on a beach, this little seal is an outcast from the colony. Having reddish-brown color of fur and the palest of blue eyes. The rest of its sleek black family took an instant dislike to the ginger pup, leaving it to fend for itself. The pictures were taken by a Russian photographer Anatoly Strakhov, who spotted the seal on Tyuleniy Island, Russia.
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