Clearest water on Earth

Clearest water on Earth

Linapacan Island, Clearest water on Earth
Beautiful landscape, just a paradise. Linapacan Island, Palawan, Philippines. Clearest water on Earth

Clearest water on Earth
Almost every day there is another story about pollution of one form or another, and it is awful. It is in the food we eat, the air we breathe, and the water we drink. However, there are rivers, lakes, seas on Earth, where the water is so clear that you can literally see the bottom. And these places are ideal, actually, how they should be. In particular, Linapacan Island, Palawan, Philippines. Photographer and traveler Scott Sporleder shares this image from Palawan, the Philippines’ most remote province and home to many beaches with super clear water.

Sukur Rio, Brazil
All plants look as if they grow not underwater, but on Earth. Pure waters of Sukur Rio, Brazil

Clearest water on Earth

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The lake in Jiuzhaigou Valley in Sichuan Province, China
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Aitutaki, Cook Islands
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Bak Bak Beach, Borneo
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Bay D’En-Vayu, France
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Bodrum, Turkey
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Cayo Coco, Cuba
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Corfu, Greece
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Crater Lake, Oregon, USA
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George, Bermuda
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Hanayuma, Hawaii
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Jenny Lake, Wyoming, USA
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Kala Makarelleta, Mallorca, Spain
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Kayos Cochinos, Honduras
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Koh Phi Phi Don, Thailand
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Lake Kenigssee, Germany
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Lake Marjorie, California
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Panhard Islands, Okinawa, Japan
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Playa Blanca, Colombia
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Primosten, Croatia
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Puerto Ayora, Galapagos
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Pupu Springs, New Zealand
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Rio Azul, Argentina
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River Tahoe, Nevada, USA
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Sabah, Malaysia
Clearest water on Earth
San Blas Islands, Panama

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