Colorful houses of Ramenskoye
Art Life style

Colorful houses of Ramenskoye

Colorful houses of Ramenskoye
Residential area in Ramenskoye with painted apartment blocks. Colorful houses of Ramenskoye

Colorful houses of Ramenskoye
Located in the forest area, 46 kilometers southeast of Moscow, Ramenskoye has become the brightest spot on the map of Moscow region. It’s population is about 100 000 people. This city has a long and glorious history. According to historians, the first written mention of the Ramenskoye Grand-Ducal Volost refers to 1328. However, Ramenskoye started from textile factory founded in 18 century, and was one of the largest in the Russian Empire. After receiving the status of a city in 1929, Ramenskoye began to develop. Now it is the area of ​​scientific institutions, various companies that develop infrastructure of the area and the city. The town is really a nice place to live in.

Colorful houses of Ramenskoye
Colorful houses of Ramenskoye

Meanwhile, after 2000, Ramenskoye implemented a project for the artistic design of a group of standard residential buildings, a very unusual for Russia. In the center of the city there are many various fountains and sculptures, and some of them created on the motives of Soviet cartoons.

Colorful houses of Ramenskoye

Christmas tree in front of a colorful house. Ramenskoye
Christmas tree in front of a colorful house. Ramenskoye
Painted apartment blocks in Ramenskoye in the forest area of ​​the Moscow region, Russia
Painted apartment blocks in Ramenskoye in the forest area of ​​the Moscow region, Russia
The area with painted apartment blocks in Ramenskoye
Let it always be sunshine! Painted apartment blocks in Ramenskoye
Street art in Ramenskoye
Street art in Ramenskoye
Beautiful architecture with painted houses
Beautiful architecture with painted houses
Huge tree branches decorate the colorful house. Ramenskoye of ​​the Moscow region, Russia
Huge tree branches decorate the colorful house. Ramenskoye of ​​the Moscow region, Russia
Butterfly. Ramenskoye, Moscow region, Russia
Butterfly. Ramenskoye, Moscow region, Russia
Nature inspired painting on the house
Nature inspired painting on the house
Trees, live and painted. Ramenskoye, Moscow region, Russia
Trees, live and painted. Ramenskoye, Moscow region, Russia
Panoramic photo of Ramenskoye with painted apartment blocks
Panoramic photo of Ramenskoye with painted apartment blocks
Sidewalks and houses of residential area in Ramenskoye
Sidewalks and houses of residential area in Ramenskoye
Winnie the Pooh (Vinni Puh – Russian version). Positive monuments of cartoon characters in Ramenskoye
Winnie the Pooh (Vinni Puh – Russian version). Positive monuments of cartoon characters in Ramenskoye
Cheburashka and crocodille Gena. Positive monuments of cartoon characters in Ramenskoye
Cheburashka and crocodille Gena. Positive monuments of cartoon characters in Ramenskoye
Postman Pechkin with a cat and a dog, sculptural composition based on popular cartoon. Ramenskoye
Postman Pechkin with a cat and a dog, sculptural composition based on popular cartoon
Sculpture of Cheburashka. Ramenskoye
Sculpture of Cheburashka
Cat monument. Ramenskoye
Cat monument. Ramenskoye
A crow sculpture. Ramenskoye
A crow sculpture. One of cartoon characters
Based on popular cartoon sculpture of a dog. Ramenskoye
Based on popular cartoon sculpture of a dog
A donkey sculpture. Ramenskoye
A donkey sculpture

Cartoon character, known as Cheburashka. Ramenskoye Cartoon character, known as Cheburashka/caption]


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