De Lizza & Elster jewelry

De Lizza & Elster jewelry (abbreviated in catalogs as D & E) appeared about in the ’40s of the last century and lasted until 1990. The company was founded by William De Lizza and Harold Elster, in New York City in the 1940’s. When they closed their doors in 1990, Frank De Lizza, son of William De Lizza, owned the company. The D & E very quickly became a major manufacturer of beautiful costume jewelry in America. They signed contracts with 800 clients in the U.S. and abroad. Noteworthy, their customers were such notable brands as: Weiss, Alice Caviness, Ballet, Celebrity, Hobe, Hattie Carnegie, Kenneth J. Lane, and Kramer.

In addition to ornaments made to wholesale customers, since 1953, the company released a line of jewelry, which has been very popular to this day. However, jewelry masters didn’t sign this line. In fact, they sold their jewelry (with the tags and labels) through the major central stores of America. And only in 1967 they decided to give a name for this line of jewelry. This is how the “Juliana” appeared. This name lasted for several years, and became a recognizable sign, very popular among collectors of vintage jewelry. The name “Juliana” appeared only on a separate cardboard tag.
Mr. De Lizza wanted his decorations to be known as “De Lizza & Elster”. However, collectors prefer the name “Juliana”. Traditionally, these ornaments are one of the most popular on the market of vintage jewelry. Their value can be up to several thousand dollars.
De Lizza & Elster jewelry