Elena Zhuravskaya beautiful fish bone pictures

Elena Zhuravskaya beautiful fish bone pictures

Elena Zhuravskaya beautiful fish bone pictures
Pea plant. Elena Zhuravskaya beautiful fish bone pictures

Elena Zhuravskaya beautiful fish bone pictures
It is hard to believe that the material for these exquisit paintings is an ordinary fish with its scales, eyes and bones. Using such banal material and having original talent, Kiev based artist Elena Zhuravskaya creates decorative pictures. On the black background appear beautiful flowers and landscapes, birds and animals.Meanwhile, Ukrainian artist works with simple tools, such as nail file, toothpick, scissors, and brush. First, she boils bones, then covers with pearl nail polish and then glues to the velvet, according to the sketch.

An architect by profession, Elena Zhuravskaya lives and works in Kiev. For the last eight years she has been interested in creating pictures of fish bones. As a result, works by Elena Zhuravskaya occupy a worthy place in various art exhibitions. A master of traditional folk art, she is a member of the Union of Artists of Ukraine, and an active member of florists section at the House of Nature in Kiev. However, Zhuravskaya says she never sells her artworks. Exhibitions of artworks by Elena Zhuravskaya are always full of visitors. Her paintings are amazing and unusual.

Fish bone pictures by Ukrainian artist Elena Zhuravskaya

In fact, these paintings is a very complicated process. The works are unique. Unfortunately, there isn’t detailed information on technology of making it. According to the artist, all images come from intuition and inspiration.

Elena Zhuravskaya beautiful fish bone pictures

Rooster. Fish bone pictures by Ukrainian artist Elena Zhuravskaya
Tagetes (garden flowers)
Tagetes (garden flowers)
White herons at the pond
White herons at the pond
Immortelle flowers
Immortelle flowers
Gray and black kitten
Gray and black kitten
Silhouette of a girl
Silhouette of a girl
A basket of flowers
A basket of flowers
A lady in a hat carrying flowers
A lady in a hat carrying flowers
Beautiful Fish bone pictures
Beautiful Fish bone pictures
According to the artist, Fishbone is a very complex and rewarding material and with each new work it opens her from a new side. In the photo – Elena Zhuravskaya
According to the artist, Fishbone is a very complex and rewarding material and with each new work it opens her from a new side. In the photo – Elena Zhuravskaya


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