Life In The Sea or key to the mysteries of life

Life In The Sea or key to the mysteries of life

Life In The Sea or key to the mysteries of life
Why do we love the sea? It is because it has some potent power to make us think things we like to think. Robert Henri. Life In The Sea

Life In The Sea
“Yes, I love it. The sea is everything. It covers seven-tenths of the terrestrial globe. Its breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert where man is never alone for he feels life, quivering around him on every side. There is supreme tranquility. The sea does not belong to despots. On its surface iniquitous rights can still be exercised, men can fight there, devour each other there, and transport all terrestrial horrors there. But at thirty feet below its level their power ceases, their influence dies out, their might disappears. Ah, sir, live in the bosom of the waters! There alone is independence. There I recognize no masters! There I am free”. Jules Verne. 2000 Leagues Under The Sea.

Werner Gruter, Life In The Sea. The sea was the cradle of primordial life, from which the roots of our own existence sprouted

Capt. Nemo: ‘You know as well as I do, Professor, that man can live under water, providing he carries a sufficient supply of breathable air. The workman, clad in impervious dress, with his head in a metal helmet, receives air from above by means of forcing pumps and regulators.’
Prof. Arronax: ‘That is, a diving apparatus.’
Capt. Nemo: ‘Just so, but under these conditions the man is not at liberty; he is attached to the pump which sends him air through an india rubber tube, and if we were obliged to be held thus to the Nautilus, we could not go far.’
Prof. Arronax: ‘And the means of getting free?’
Capt. Nemo: ‘It is the use of the Rouquayrol apparatus, invented by two of your countrymen.’
Jules Verne. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea. 1869

Life In The Sea or key to the mysteries of life

Bottom of the Sea
Bottom of the Sea
Man has at last succeeded in getting beneath the top layer of the sea, winning a long battle against asphyxia and terror. Philippe Diole
Man has at last succeeded in getting beneath the top layer of the sea, winning a long battle against asphyxia and terror. Philippe Diole
A palace untouched by human hand, with its gardens of rock and water where living creatures play the part of flowers, is the goal of all our striving. Philippe Diole. The Undersea Adventure. 1953
A palace untouched by human hand, with its gardens of rock and water where living creatures play the part of flowers, is the goal of all our striving. Philippe Diole. The Undersea Adventure. 1953
The Sea, biologists tell us, holds the key to the mysteries of life
According to biologists, the sea holds the key to the mysteries of life
The underwater world, animated
Yellow and blue underwater world
When something is beyond our understanding we say it’s “too deep” or that “we just can’t fathom it”! Lil Borgeson and Jack Spiers. Skin Divers Handbook, 1960
When something is beyond our understanding we say it’s “too deep” or that “we just can’t fathom it”! Lil Borgeson and Jack Spiers. Skin Divers Handbook, 1960
The underwater world, animated
Fish in the sea, animated
Life is like sea-water; it never gets quite sweet until it is drawn up into heaven. J.P. Richter
Life is like sea-water; it never gets quite sweet until it is drawn up into heaven. J.P. Richter
a few hours spent under water, and that would be a journey to Mars. William Beebe
a few hours spent under water, like a journey to Mars. William Beebe
That far-resounding roar is the Ocean’s voice of welcome. Nathaniel Hawthorne
That far-resounding roar is the Ocean’s voice of welcome. Nathaniel Hawthorne
Life In The Sea or key to the mysteries of life
Quote: The sea has never been friendly to man. At most it has been the accomplice of human restlessness. Joseph Conrad
Ocean: A body of water occupying two-thirds of a world made for man – who has no gills. Ambrose Bierce
Ocean: A body of water occupying two-thirds of a world made for man – who has no gills. Ambrose Bierce
Born naked from the miniature ocean of the mother’s womb, water is our most natural environment. Jacques Mayol
Born naked from the miniature ocean of the mother’s womb, water is our most natural environment. Jacques Mayol
Behind the looking glass the sky is made of water. Philippe Diole
Behind the looking glass the sky is made of water. Philippe Diole
And thou, vast ocean! on whose awful face Time’s iron feet can print no ruin-trace. Robert Montgomery
And thou, vast ocean! on whose awful face Time’s iron feet can print no ruin-trace. Robert Montgomery
For whatever we lose (like a you or a me), It’s always our self we find in the sea. e.e. cummings
For whatever we lose (like a you or a me), It’s always our self we find in the sea. e.e. cummings
There is nothing so desperately monotonous as the sea, and I no longer wonder at the cruelty of pirates. James Russell Lowell
There is nothing so desperately monotonous as the sea, and I no longer wonder at the cruelty of pirates. James Russell Lowell
The great sea makes one a great skeptic. Richard Jefferies
The great sea makes one a great skeptic. Richard Jefferies
Thousands of people would pay large sums, would forego much for five minutes of this! William Beebe
Thousands of people would pay large sums, would forego much for five minutes of this! William Beebe
Beautiful sea life
Beautiful sea life
The sea pronounces something, over and over, in a hoarse whisper; I cannot quite make it out. Annie Dillard
The sea pronounces something, over and over, in a hoarse whisper; I cannot quite make it out. Annie Dillard
The cure for anything is salt water – sweat, tears, or the sea. Isak Dinesen
The cure for anything is salt water – sweat, tears, or the sea. Isak Dinesen
Life In The Sea or key to the mysteries of life
Most of us, I suppose, are a little nervous of the sea. No matter what its smiles may be, we doubt its friendship. H.M. Tomlinson
Life In The Sea
Mystery of The Sea

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