Rarest flowers in the world

Rarest flowers in the world

Rarest flowers. Cosmos Atrosanguineus – a flower that smells like chocolate
Rarest flowers. Cosmos Atrosanguineus – a flower that smells like chocolate

Many would agree that flowers – the easiest and most beautiful way to convey feelings and emotions, to cheer up yourself and your family. Flowers bring happiness, relieve stress, reduce pain, and help curb the anger. Here you can find the rarest flowers in the world. These beautiful flowers are not sold in stores, but their number has 270,000 species. Caring for such plants requires special skills and knowledge. Rare flowers, tend to be very expensive or impossible to obtain.

Amorphophallus titanum, also known as the corpse flower, or corpse plant
Amorphophallus titanum, also known as the corpse flower, or corpse plant

Campion (Silene Tomentosa)
Campion (Silene Tomentosa)

Silene Tomentosa is currently found growing wild only on the rocky outcrops of the Rock of Gibraltar. Specimens are also grown at Gibraltar Botanic Gardens.

Rarest flowers in the world

Cypripedioideae, also known as Lady’s slipper orchids
Cypripedioideae, also known as Lady’s slipper orchids
Dendrophylax Lindenii. Other names – palm polly and white frog orchid
Dendrophylax Lindenii. Other names – palm polly and white frog orchid
Drosera capensis, or Cape Sun-dew
Drosera capensis, or Cape Sun-dew
Extinct in the wild Lotus BerthelotiiLotus berthelotii. In 1884 it was classed as exceedingly rare
Extinct in the wild Lotus BerthelotiiLotus berthelotii. In 1884 it was classed as exceedingly rare
Franklinia Alatamaha, commonly called the Franklin tree
Franklinia Alatamaha, commonly called the Franklin tree
Heptacodium Miconiodes, also known as the Seven Sons plant
Heptacodium Miconiodes, also known as the Seven Sons plant
Kokai Cookei – deciduous tree, known as the kokiʻo, Molokaʻi treecotton, Molokaʻi kokiʻo. It is considered one of the rarest and most endangered plant species in the world
Kokai Cookei – deciduous tree, known as the kokiʻo, Molokaʻi treecotton, Molokaʻi kokiʻo. It is considered one of the rarest and most endangered plant species in the world
Lupinus perennis, also known as wild perennial lupine, wild lupine, blue lupine, Indian beet, or old maid’s bonnets, is a medicinal plant
Lupinus perennis, also known as wild perennial lupine, wild lupine, blue lupine, Indian beet, or old maid’s bonnets, is a medicinal plant
One of the rarest flowering plant in the world, the Middlemist Red Camellia
One of the rarest flowering plant in the world, the Middlemist Red Camellia
One of the rarest flowers in the world Drosera capensis, or Cape Sun-dew
One of the rarest flowers in the world Drosera capensis, or Cape Sun-dew
One of the rarest flowers in the world Helianthus Schweinitzii, also known Schweinitz’s sunflower
One of the rarest flowers in the world Helianthus Schweinitzii, also known Schweinitz’s sunflower
One of the rarest flowers in the world Magnolia Macrophylla, or big-leaf magnolia
One of the rarest flowers in the world Magnolia Macrophylla, or big-leaf magnolia
One of the rarest flowers in the world Nepenthes Tenax
One of the rarest flowers in the world Nepenthes Tenax
Strongylodon macrobotrys, commonly known as Jade Vine, Emerald vine, or turquoise jade vine
Strongylodon macrobotrys, commonly known as Jade Vine, Emerald vine, or turquoise jade vine