Rubbish hotel designed by Hans Schulte
Life style

Rubbish hotel designed by Hans Schulte

Rubbish hotel designed by Hans Schulte
A hotel designed by German artist HA Schult, made of rubbish recovered from Europe’s beaches. It is part of the Coronita Save the Beach campaign. Madrid, Spain. Rubbish hotel designed by Hans Schulte

Rubbish hotel designed by Hans Schulte
Perhaps, the hotel designed by the German eco-artist Hans Schulte, cannot compete with five-star luxury hotels. This unusual hotel, built of 12 tons of garbage collected from the beaches of Spain, Italy, France and Belgium. Besides, at the dumps and flea markets. Meanwhile, the creators of this project launched a website There you can talk about over-polluted beaches, and reserve a hotel room from the garbage.

Rubbish hotel designed by Hans Schulte
The hotel built using 12 tonnes of garbage collected from the beaches of Spain, Italy, France and Belgium, rubbish dumps and flea markets

According to Schulte, he built this hotel, because the oceans are the biggest garbage dump of the planet. “Tourism draws a bright picture of us. However, we wanted to show what will remain of our vacation, if we do not clean the beaches,” – added project spokeswoman Rosa Piqueras.

Environmentalists erected “hotel of the beach debris» (Beach Garbage Hotel) in a central square of the capital city. Construction stood for a short time – from 19 to 23 January, but managed to make some noise a lot.

The walls of the hotel, in particular, “decorated” with wood paneling outside, empty bottles, old musical instruments, rubber tires, blown away balloons and tattered children’s books and someone’s toes. All this “beauty” along with an abundance of plastic inhabit the oceans.

Rubbish hotel designed by Hans Schulte

Rubbish hotel designed by Hans Schulte
Visitors looking at the hotel, designed by German eco-artist H.A. Schult
Rubbish hotel designed by Hans Schulte
Women look inside a room of the Corona Save the Beach Hotel, an unusual hotel built with garbage, in central Madrid January 20, 2011
Rubbish hotel designed by Hans Schulte
An interior view of the five-room Beach Garbage Hotel
Rubbish hotel designed by Hans Schulte
The five-room Beach Garbage Hotel, the interior
Rubbish hotel designed by Hans Schulte
Hotel Coronita Save the Beach in Plaza de Callao, Madrid
Rubbish hotel designed by Hans Schulte
People walk by the Corona Save the Beach Hotel, an unusual hotel built with garbage, in central Madrid January 20, 2011

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