Gibson Girl iconic beauty
Art Beauty Life style

Gibson Girl iconic beauty

Gibson Girl iconic beauty. Charles Dana Gibson, 1902
Gibson Girl iconic beauty. Charles Dana Gibson. ‘The social ladder’, 1902

Gibson Girl iconic beauty

The ideal of feminine beauty at the turn of 19-20 centuries was the image created by the American illustrator Charles Dana Gibson (September 14, 1867 – December 23, 1944). About a century ago, our grandmothers, great-grandmothers wanted to be like them, do the same hairstyle and dress, sew the same dress … At a time when there were no television and the Internet, images of Gibson girls on postcards and in magazines dictated fashion and created a new image of free women. Beauties in the style of Gibson were portrayed almost anywhere – on the saucers, ashtrays, tablecloths, pillowcases, blankets, souvenir spoons, screens, fans and stands for umbrellas. Gibson Girl – the ideal of female beauty of the past century.

Gibson Girl iconic beauty. on a beach, 1902
Gibson Girl iconic beauty. on a beach, 1902

Gibson girl was tall and thin, with a narrow waist, large breasts and wide hips. Silhouette, similar to the hourglass was achieved due to the corset. Gibson Girl had a long neck and large eyes; her hair was combed high and stacked in hairstyles of bouffant, pompadour, or “waterfall curls.”

Gibson Girl iconic beauty
Love in a Garden

She also dominated men, for example, could be shown studying a funny little man with a magnifying glass or crushing him with her foot. Next to her, men are often portrayed as simpletons and clumsy, and even beautifully folded or very wealthy men alone could not satisfy her. Gibson portrayed a man captivated by the beauty of the girls, following her everywhere, performing all of her most absurd desires.

Gibson Girl iconic beauty
The ideal of feminine beauty by American illustrator Charles Dana Gibson

Gibson portrayed his characters fashionably dressed, open and versatile, his women’s status equal to men. In addition to the exquisite beauty of the Gibson Girl, she was calm, confident and looking for personal fulfillment.

Most often, Gibson Girl is lonely and unmarried, but suitors are always brightening her boredom. After marriage, they appear deeply disappointed …

After marriage, they appear deeply disappointed if the romance is gone from their relationship. Gibson’s models for painting were many women, including his wife, Irene Langhorne, her sister Nancy Astor and Evelyn Nesbit.

But the most famous model of Gibson was, perhaps, the Belgian-American actress Camille Clifford, whose high hairstyle and long, elegant dresses, corseted figure served as an icon of style of the period.

Gibson Girl iconic beauty
The ideal of feminine beauty by American illustrator Charles Dana Gibson

The popularity of the Gibson Girl was reflected in many related phenomena in American popular culture. She was a paragon of beauty and style for millions of American women, who sought to emulate her in dress and hairstyle. Songs and plays were written about her, and her image was reproduced everywhere: on dishes and clothing, tablecloths and pillow covers, ashtrays and umbrella stands. For almost two decades she wielded a powerful influence in American popular culture. By the early 1910s, however, her vogue began to wane as a new image of femininity began to emerge—that of the liberated style and daring spirit that would culminate in the Jazz Age flapper at the end of World War I.

Gibson Girl iconic beauty
The ideal of feminine beauty by American illustrator Charles Dana Gibson

With the outbreak of World War II Gibson Girl became out of fashion. Women of new era preferred more practical suits and dresses, suitable for use in hospitals and factories.

Gibson Girl iconic beauty

Gibson Girl iconic beauty
The ideal of feminine beauty by American illustrator Charles Dana Gibson
Gibson Girl iconic beauty
The ideal of feminine beauty by American illustrator Charles Dana Gibson
Gibson Girl iconic beauty
The ideal of feminine beauty by American illustrator Charles Dana Gibson
Gibson Girl iconic beauty
Irene Langhorne
Gibson Girl iconic beauty
Camille Clifford
Gibson Girl iconic beauty
Camille Clifford
Gibson Girl iconic beauty
Evelyn Nesbit
Gibson Girl iconic beauty
Evelyn Nesbit
Gibson Girl iconic beauty
Gibson Girl iconic beauty
Gibson Girl iconic beauty
Nancy Astor