Old Girl from South Africa
Life style

Old Girl from South Africa

Old Girl from South Africa
Diagnosed with Progeria, 12-year-old Ontlametse Phalatse. Old Girl from South Africa

Old Girl from South Africa
This little girl with a big heart and bright smile, calls herself the “first lady” and dreams about the future. However, doctors say that 12-year-old girl named Ontlametse Phalatse has only a couple of years to live.
Noteworthy, South African girl is, in fact, the first black child with this disease. That’s why she calls herself the first lady.
Indeed, Ontlametse is the only black child diagnosed with Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome – a rare and fatal disease, accelerating the aging process. Only two black children suffer from this disease – they both died, one in the U.S., the other in the Netherlands. Children with the disease die from heart failure at the age of 8 to 21 years, suffering from high blood pressure, stroke, angina and heart failure.

South Africa Progeria Girl
Fast aging, Progeria sufferer Ontlametse Phalatse

Progeria sufferer Ontlametse Phalatse reads to the class during reading lessons at the Lorato Primary School in Hebron, near Pretoria, South Africa. 12-year-old Phalatse, who resembles an ageing woman and is half the size of her classmates. Twice a year Phalatse flies in the Research Center for Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome, in Boston, where scientists are trying to find a cure for her disease.

Old Girl from South Africa

Ontlametse with her best friend Cuttle Matabe before the lesson
Ontlametse with her best friend Cuttle Matabe before the lesson
Coming home from school
Coming home from school
Her eyes are very sensitive to light
Her eyes are very sensitive to light
Aging fast, Ontlametse in her room in the style of Hannah Montana
Aging fast, Ontlametse in her room in the style of Hannah Montana
Phalatse reads to the class
Phalatse reads to the class
With her mother Bella at her home in Hebron
With her mother Bella at her home in Hebron
Diagnosed with Progeria Girl
Diagnosed with Progeria Girl
Among classmates, South African Progeria Girl
Among classmates, South African Progeria Girl
scientists are trying to find a cure for her disease
Scientists are trying to find a cure for her disease. South Africa Progeria Girl
Primary School in Hebron, near Pretoria, South Africa
Primary School in Hebron, near Pretoria, South Africa
resembles an ageing woman
African Progeria Girl
resembles an ageing woman
A girl suffering Progeria
resembles an ageing woman
Twice a year Phalatse flies in the Research Center for Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome, in Boston, where scientists are trying to find a cure for her disease


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