Hyperrealistic pencil drawings by Paul Cadden

Hyperrealistic pencil drawings by Paul Cadden

Hyperrealistic pencil drawings by Paul Cadden
Two men in the street. Hyperrealistic pencil drawings by Paul Cadden, Scottish artist

Rrealistic pencil drawings by Paul Cadden
First of all, it is difficult to believe that the pictures above and inside the post are not photographs. Yes, they are pencil drawings by Paul Cadden, artist from Glasgow, Scotland. In fact, Paul Cadden has drawn these pictures with pencil, believe it or not. Undoubtedly, these genius hand-drawn images are unbelievable.
According to 49-year-old artist, he traveled around the world taking thousands of photographs of everyday situations to draw when he returned home. Meanwhile, his spectacular works include an elderly couple sitting on a step in Barcelona, a man walking with an umbrella in Hong Kong and stunning close-up portraits. The images recreate the photos in incredible detail – from the wrinkles on an old man’s face to the small words on a leaflet.

Hyperrealistic pencil drawings by Scottish artist Paul Cadden (the artist in the photo)
Scottish artist Paul Cadden

Born from photorealism, Hyperrealism – paintings based on photographs but created in a non-photographic medium.

The images recreate the photos in incredible detail – from the wrinkles on an old man’s face to the small words on a leaflet. It is no surprise then that it takes Paul Cadden up to three months to complete one painting or drawing.

Paul Cadden said: ‘I traveled to China and went to Hong Kong for three weeks because I was invited to give a talk to a school about my work’. ‘In my spare time I walked around Hong Kong, and I also visited Guangzhou in China. I then traveled to Barcelona in Spain and once again took pictures of everyday situations and scenarios. ‘I was constantly taking photographs – I probably took around 20,000 pictures.’

The artist said he particularly enjoys drawing ‘ordinary’ people in ‘everyday’ situations. ‘All of my pictures are just of ordinary people doing normal and everyday things,’ he said. ‘I think there is a real beauty in the simplistic nature of my work.

Hyperrealistic pencil drawings by Paul Cadden

A bicycle. Hyperrealistic pencil drawings by Scottish artist Paul Cadden
A bicycle. Hyperrealistic pencil drawings by Scottish artist Paul Cadden
Hyperrealistic pencil drawings by Scottish artist Paul Cadden
At the table. Hyperrealistic pencil drawings by Scottish artist Paul Cadden
Hyperrealistic pencil drawings by Scottish artist Paul Cadden
A horse. Hyperrealistic pencil drawings by Scottish artist Paul Cadden
Hyperrealistic pencil drawings by Scottish artist Paul Cadden
In the shower. Hyperrealistic pencil drawings by Scottish artist Paul Cadden
Hyperrealistic pencil drawings by Scottish artist Paul Cadden
New York. Hyperrealistic pencil drawing by Scottish artist Paul Cadden
Hyperrealistic pencil drawings by Scottish artist Paul Cadden
Spectacular drawing, created by artist Paul Cadden, from Glasgow, Scotland, depicts a man walking with an umbrella in Hong Kong
Hyperrealistic pencil drawings by Scottish artist Paul Cadden
The dream of war. Hyperrealistic pencil drawing by Scottish artist Paul Cadden

Paul Cadden

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