Philophobia fear of falling in love
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Philophobia fear of falling in love

Philophobia fear of falling in love
A boy with a flower and a girl with a knife. Philophobia fear of falling in love

Philophobia fear of falling in love
In fact, medical science defines philophobia as an abnormal, unwarranted and persistent fear of falling in love. Its name comes from two Greek roots – “philo” meaning love and “phobia” meaning fear of. As with all phobias, psychiatrists and psychologists aren’t in 100% agreement on what sets off philophobia.
Sometimes a person dwells on bitter memories of past relationship that didn’t go well or that ended badly. Or the sufferer may have an intense fear of rejection and avoids relationships as a way to avoid the embarrassment of being refused by a potential lover.

fear of falling in love
Romantic dance

Others may have gone through an acrimonious divorce and be convinced that falling in love again will only lead to another painful divorce or breakup.

Noteworthy, medicines do not cure phobias, at best they only temporarily suppress the systems.

However, there are treatments for phobias, which include counseling, hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, and Neuro-Linguistic programming.

Philophobia fear of falling in love

Philophobia fear of falling in love
Falling in love
Philophobia fear of falling in love
Abnormal, unwarranted and persistent fear
abnormal, unwarranted and persistent fear of falling in love
Sometimes a person dwells on bitter memories of past relationship that didn’t go well or that ended badly
Sometimes a person dwells on bitter memories of past relationship that didn’t go well or that ended badly
An intense fear of rejection
intense fear of rejection
Tattooed couple
Do not touch me
Do not touch me
persistent fear of falling in love
Persistent fear
persistent fear of falling in love
Love will tear us apart


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