Reading between the Lines church

Reading between the Lines church
Designed by Pieterjan Gijs and Arnout Van Vaerenbergh, young Belgian architects church attracts lots of visitors. And not in vain. The site is undoubtedly, worth visiting. Meanwhile, they completed the implementation of the project clear of the church under a symbolic name Reading between the Lines. The walls of unusual structure, which height is 10 meters, made of 100 stacked layers of iron plates and ribbons. Besides, 2000 iron bars attach them to each other.
Noteworthy, gaps between the plates allow visitors in the true sense of the term, see through walls. And it doesn’t matter – to be inside or outside the church. Meanwhile, the silhouette mimics the shape of the building of churches, traditional for the region. And its unusual structure embodiment belongs to the category of contemporary art.
Depending on the location of the beholder, the church may seem like a massive building. In addition, it may be partially or almost completely dissolved in the surrounding landscape, like a mirage in the desert. If you look at the landscape from inside the church, it becomes part of an abstract figure, given the unique construction of transparent walls.
The project, implemented in a Limburg (Belgium), is part of the Z-OUT, coordinated gallery Z33, whose purpose was to promote contemporary art in public space. In addition, it is in plans to implement the large-scale and ambitious project in various places in the Flemish region for the next five years.
The conceptual project named “Reading between the Line” perfectly defines the architecture of the shell of the modern church. Its philosophical sense, what is inside and what is outside, interact with each other and do not need additional decorations. No need for artificial amplification of the divine majesty of nature and divine nature. Together with the parishioners live here dawn, sunset and all four seasons.
Reading between the Lines church