Retroatelier Master and Margarita
Retroatelier Master and Margarita. Characters of the cult novel ‘The Master and Margarita’ come to life in a photo project of Kiev based Studio ‘Retroatelier’. The photo artists tried to portray the appearance of the characters and mysterious atmosphere of Bulgakov’s novel. Each frame of the series tells the story of the events occurring in a particular chapter. The Master and Margarita is a novel by Russian writer Mikhail Bulgakov. He worked on his most original novel, The Master and Margarita, from 1929 until his death; it was published in the Soviet Union only in 1966. Many critics consider The Master and Margarita to be one of the best novels of the 20th century, and the foremost of Soviet satires.
‘Behaving well, not bothering anyone, just mending primus …’ In the role of the demonic black cat Behemoth – usual black cat, the name is unknown.
‘Here in the crimson light flashed in front of the fireplace butler sword …’ In the role of Azazello – Sergey, not an actor, but played great.
Ivan gasped, looked into the distance, and saw the hateful stranger. He was already at the exit to Patriarch’s Lane; moreover, he was not alone. The more than dubious choirmaster had managed to join him. But that was still not all: the third in this company proved to be a tom-cat, who appeared out of nowhere, huge as a hog, black as a soot or as a rook, and with a desperate cavalryman’s whiskers. The trio set off down Patria rich’s Lane, the cat walking on his hind legs. Ivan sped after the villains and became convinced at once that it – would be very difficult to catch up with them.
The trio shot down the lane in an instant and came out on Spiridonovka. No matter how Ivan quickened his pace, the distance between him and his quarry never diminished. And before the poet knew it, he emerged, after the quiet of Spiridonovka, by the Nikitsky Gate, where his situation worsened. The place was swarming with people. Besides, the gang of villains decided to apply the favorite trick of bandits here: a scattered getaway. (The Master and Margarita by M. Bulgakov)
They were arguing about something very complex and important, and none of them could beat the other …’ Yeshua – actor Vladimir, symbolic appearance combined with amazing humanity. Willpower and some insecurity in his eyes.
The staircase began to fill up. Now on almost every step there were men in tailcoats accompanied by naked women who only differed in the color of their shoes and the feathers on their heads. Photoart by Retroatelier studio, Kiev
Retroatelier Master and Margarita