Spathodea tulip tree in Africa

Spathodea tulip tree in Africa

African native Spathodea tulip tree
African native Spathodea tulip tree

Spathodea tulip tree in Africa
African native tulip tree, or Spathodea campanulata is, in fact, one of the most beautiful exotic flowering plants. Its flowers are large, and colors differ from orange to dark red-purple. Gathered in the lush blossoms, its flowers resemble a tulip. In addition, often called “Fire Tree”, its flowers are especially bright. In fact, in nature Spathodea blooms almost all year round. Also called “tree-fountain”, because of numerous large reminiscent orange-red color of tulips, collected in the luxurious blossoms. It is attractive and effective in a flourishing condition, which is almost all year round. Besides, the tree grows quickly and can reach 10-15 meters in height.

African native tulip tree Spathodea
Huge trees, African native tulip tree

The flower bud is ampule-shaped and contains water. These buds are often used by children who play with its ability to squirt the water. The sap sometimes stains yellow on fingers and clothes. The open flowers are cup-shaped and hold rain and dew, making them attractive to many species of birds.

In Neotropical gardens and parks, their nectar is popular with many hummingbirds, such as the Black-throated Mango, the Black Jacobin, or the Gilded Hummingbird.

Spathodea tulip tree

Blossoming tulip tree Spathodea
Blossoming tulip tree
Blossoming tulip tree Spathodea
Stunning tree
Blossoming tulip tree Spathodea
Flowers of the tree
Blossoming tulip tree Spathodea
Closeup – Spathodea
Blossoming tulip tree Spathodea
Red flower of tulip tree
Blossoming tulip tree Spathodea
Beautiful tree
Blossoming tulip tree Spathodea
Wonderful tree
Blossoming tulip tree Spathodea
Amazing Spathodea
Blossoming tulip tree Spathodea
Blossoming tree
Blossoming tulip tree Spathodea
Resting in the shadow of the tree
Blossoming tulip tree Spathodea
Detail of flower
Blossoming tulip tree Spathodea
A parrot sitting in the tree
Blossoming tulip tree Spathodea
A bird searching for nectar in the flowers of tulip tree Spathodea
Blossoming tulip tree Spathodea
Gorgeous plant attracts birds
Blossoming tulip tree Spathodea
A little bird resting in the tree
Blossoming tulip tree Spathodea
Just paradise for photographers and nature lovers
Spathodea tulip tree
Hummingbird in the tree
Spathodea tulip tree
In the park
Spathodea tulip tree
A bench under the tree
Spathodea tulip tree
Scarlet and bright red flowers of African native tulip tree

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