Vintage drawings on musical pages

Vintage drawings on musical pages

Vintage drawings on musical pages
Chanson d’amour, or Love song. Vintage drawings on musical pages

Vintage drawings on musical pages
Undoubtedly, Vintage musical pages, old books, and dictionaries have always inspired artists. Because vintage style itself is very attractive, as it has traces of a bygone era. First, people use to appreciate and value all that they have lost and that will never return. Vintage today is a trendy design direction, which harmoniously combines the past and present. Besides, Musical pages as documents of musical works written by the great composers of the past centuries perfectly match and enhance the effect of these vintage patterns. And while looking at these drawings we remember the melodies encoded in them.

Vintage Ink Hand Drawing on Sheet music
Dancing couple. Vintage Ink Hand Drawing on Sheet music

Vintage drawings on musical pages

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