Surrounded by weird faces everywhere
Life style

Surrounded by weird faces everywhere

Surrounded by weird faces everywhere
Airplane smile. Surrounded by weird faces everywhere

Have you ever noticed, that we are surrounded by weird faces everywhere? Really, look closely at the things around you. It is quite possible that at this very moment something is watching us – a smiling face outlet, or the house, just next to you, winks to a passersby. Indeed, some inanimate objects, with the outlines resemble human faces. Meanwhile, these weird and still peaceful creatures are waiting to be noticed and photographed. Just take a camera and start your journey.

Weird faces everywhere
Pencil case. Weird faces everywhere

Surrounded by weird faces everywhere

Tram ticket composting machine
Tram ticket composting machine in an old tram
Piece of concrete on the street
Piece of concrete on the street
Cool installation
Cool man, funny installation
Hands up
Hands up!
Rusty metal
Rusty metal resembles old sad face
Pepper and salt cellar
Pepper and salt cellar
Details of street construction
Details of street construction
Old type writer
Old type writer
Frozen face
Frozen face
Case lock
Case lock looks like a face of a cartoon character
In a tram
When face got a body, In a tram
Hot and cold water taps
Hot and cold water taps
Wonderful and weird faces around us
Wonderful faces around us
Trash can
Trash can
Mechanism resembling weird face with a long nose
Mechanism resembling a face with a long nose
Lighthouse Weird face
Weird faces live everywhere
Interior Details
Ordinary door ring bells with weird face
Ordinary door ring bells
Shocked and surprised. Weird details, faces everywhere
Shocked and surprised
Faces and eyes everywhere
Faces and eyes everywhere
Animated objects on the roads. Funny and weird faces around us
Animated objects on the roads
Meanwhile, street art installations with weird faces create positive effect on passers-by
Meanwhile, street art installations with weird faces create positive effect on passers-by
Garbage bin with weird, but kind face
Garbage bin with weird, but kind face
Trash can seems surprised, and toilet – surprised even more
Trash can seems surprised, and toilet – surprised even more
Be careful, or better be attentive, while you are walking. Who knows where you can meet weird faces
Be careful, or better be attentive, while you are walking. Who knows where you can meet weird faces
Two small buttons and a pocket turned the bag into something animate. A bag with weird face
Two small buttons and a pocket turned the bag into something animate. A bag with weird face
Computer details – Weird face
Computer details
Somewhere in the arch of an old house. Angry weird face
Somewhere in the arch of an old house
Ominously hiding teeth below the water. Weird face in the bath
Ominously hiding teeth below the water
Just small details turn Speedometer into funny and weird faces
Just small details turn Speedometer into funny face

Sources of images,

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