Winter paintings by Kim Norlien

Winter paintings by Kim Norlien

Winter paintings by Kim Norlien
A snowman and two birds. Winter paintings by Kim Norlien, contemporary American artist

Winter paintings by Kim Norlien
Widely known outside his homeland, Norlien is a contemporary American artist. According to the artist, working on his paintings he traveled a lot in his childhood. In particular, he spent his childhood among the natural beauty of Minneapolis, Minnesota. Also, the artist grew up in the family of his grandmother and grandfather, whose house stood on the shore of the lake. After graduating from college in 1977, he worked eight years as a commercial artist for Honeywell, and then nine years as an illustrator.

Winter paintings by Kim Norlien
Christmas time. Winter painting by contemporary American artist Norlien

According to art lovers and experts, his award-winning wildlife scenes invite viewers to peacefully gaze upon wildlife in their natural state. “Equally captivating are his nostalgic pieces, which capture the joy and simplicity of days gone by”.

Winter paintings by Kim Norlien

A polar fox. Winter paintings by contemporary American artist Kim Norlien
A polar fox. Winter painting by contemporary American artist Norlien
Winter paintings by contemporary American artist Kim Norlien
A deer. Winter painting by contemporary American artist
Winter paintings by contemporary American artist Kim Norlien
Frozen berries
Winter paintings by contemporary American artist Kim Norlien
Night wolves
Winter paintings by contemporary American artist Kim Norlien
Dashing through the snow in a one horse open sleigh
Winter paintings by contemporary American artist Kim Norlien


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