Al Ain Paradise largest flower park in the world

Al Ain Paradise largest flower park in the world
In a small town of Al Ain, which is in the United Arab Emirates, re-opened the world’s largest flower park, which, I think, people rightly call the Paradise – Al Ain Paradise. Beautiful floral carpet shimmers all existing colors – from yellow to blue and purple and burgundy. Besides, the floral park covers an area of about twenty-one thousand square meters and in addition to this fact, it is listed in the Guinness Book of Records for the largest number of hanging flower baskets. Picturesque compositions and creative floral designs of different shapes and colors is simply amazing. Florists used different varieties of plants from different continents of the Earth.
It is believed that just walk through the park looking at the flowers, plants and floral arrangements has a positive, and even a therapeutic effect on health. More than that, among the main attractions of the park – 12-meter replica of the Eiffel Tower, a large floral pyramid, and through the whole territory of the garden runs the artificial stream. Just a paradise.
Al Ain Paradise largest flower park

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