Alderney Tapestry Project

Alderney Tapestry Project

Alderney Tapestry Project
Members of the Alderney Tapestry Project started the project a year ago and have just finished. The tapestry is 70m long and woven to tell the tale of the final days of King Harold’s final encounter with William the Conqueror in battle. Alderney Tapestry Project

Alderney Tapestry Project
According to the craftsmen of the beautiful Tapestry Project, it took them a year to create it. The tapestry, in particular, is 70m long and woven to tell the tale of the final days of King Harold’s encounter with William the Conqueror in battle. However, until now that tale did not include the coronation of William, which happened on Christmas Day 1066. According to historians, the final segment of the Bayeux Tapestry was lost, that’s why the islanders began the project to restore it. Meanwhile, Kate Russell, Alderney librarian, along with 416 Alderney residents worked on the project.

According to the craftsmen, they began the original tapestry from the Battle of Hastings. Discovered in the early 18th Century, it ended with the death of King Harold at Hastings. Commissioned by William the Conqueror’s half-brother Bishop Odo, the Bayeux Tapestry aimed to celebrate his victory over Harold Godwinson at the Battle of Hastings in 1066.

Alderney Tapestry
The English King Harold II at the Bayeux Tapestry

Unveiled in 1077 at the dedication of the Bayeux Cathedral, it shows events from a Norman point of view. In particular, from the death of King Edward the Confessor to the Norman victory over the English, with the missing section probably showing his coronation.

More than 600 people, 200 horses and 50 Latin inscriptions included in the Bayeux Tapestry. The people of Alderney, with help from visitors from around the world, have been working since early 2012 on completing the story – taking it up to the coronation of William.

Robin Whicker, from the tapestry project, said: “Nobody knows exactly how the Bayeux Tapestry would have ended but this one shows the fact that William was crowned by the unstated fact that not everyone approved.”

The tapestry, created at Alderney library with visitors to the center adding stitches.

The tapestry ends with the construction of the tower of London. The public’s contribution to the tapestry is now over and Ms Russell will be tying together the loose ends. The finished ending to the Bayeux Tapestry will be unveiled in Alderney on 1 April.

Bayeux Tapestry, a celebrated piece of embroidered linen fabric (actually not a tapestry) depicting the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. It is about 70 m. (231 ft.) long—the last section is lost— and 50 cm. (19 in.) wide, and arranged somewhat in the manner of a strip cartoon, with one episode succeeding another in more than seventy scenes. Perhaps made to the order of William the Conqueror’s half-brother, Bishop Odo of Bayeux in Normandy. Displayed for centuries in the cathedral at Bayeux and is now housed in the former Bishop’s Palace there. (Norwich John Oxford Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Arts)

Bayeux Tapestry:

Bayeux Tapestry
Bayeux Tapestry
Closeup, Bayeux Tapestry
Closeup, Bayeux Tapestry
Four men in a boat, Bayeux Tapestry
Four men in a boat, Bayeux Tapestry
Hand embroidered Bayeux Tapestry
Hand embroidered Bayeux Tapestry
Historical Bayeux Tapestry, detail
Historical Bayeux Tapestry, detail
Killed enemy. Bayeux Tapestry
Killed enemy. Bayeux Tapestry
National treasure of France, Bayeux Tapestry
National treasure of France, Bayeux Tapestry
Stunning detail, Bayeux Tapestry
Stunning detail, Bayeux Tapestry
Unique Bayeux Tapestry
Unique Bayeux Tapestry

Alderney Tapestry Project

Work by craftsmen, Alderney Tapestry Project
Hand work by local craftsmen, Alderney Tapestry Project
Alderney Tapestry Project
Battle scene, Alderney Tapestry Project
Alderney Tapestry Project
Detail of Alderney Tapestry Project
Alderney Tapestry Project
A team of craftsmen working on Alderney Tapestry Project
Alderney Tapestry Project
Beautiful Alderney Tapestry Project
Alderney Tapestry Project
Work in progress, Alderney Tapestry Project

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