Beautiful silhouette landscapes Young Boys by graphic artist from Guatemala Aritz Bermudez

Aritz Bermudez silhouette landscapes

Aritz Bermudez silhouette landscapes
A Young Boy silhouette in the landscape. Work by graphic artist from Guatemala. Aritz Bermudez silhouette landscapes

Aritz Bermudez silhouette landscapes
Graphic designer and artist Aritz Bermudez was born in Venezuela and raised in Guatemala. He holds a degree from Parsons School of Design in New York. Aritz created a series of silhouette landscapes titled Young Boys. Using his own photographic captures of stunning stretches of land and vast expanses of oceans, Bermudez showcases his engaging portfolio as a photographer. He represented Guatemala at the 2011 Young Lions Cannes Festival and won a prize for best cyber advertising.

silhouette landscapes by Aritz Bermudez, graphic designer and artist from Guatemala
Silhouette of a boy’s head in the night landscape. Work by Aritz Bermudez, graphic designer and artist from Guatemala

Aritz Bermudez silhouette landscapes

Silhouette landscapes by graphic artist and designer from Guatemala Aritz Bermudez
Night sky and a silhouette of a child
Silhouette landscapes by graphic artist from Guatemala Aritz Bermudez
A girl’s Silhouette in the night landscape. Work by graphic artist from Guatemala
Silhouette landscapes from the series Young Boys, by graphic artist from Guatemala Aritz Bermudez
Collage photo of a boy’s silhouette in the landscapes from the series Young Boys
Silhouette landscapes titled Young Boys, by graphic artist from Guatemala Aritz Bermudez
Creative Silhouette landscapes titled Young Boys
Silhouette landscapes Young Boys by Aritz Bermudez
Photo collage Silhouette landscapes
Silhouette landscapes Young Boys by graphic artist Aritz Bermudez
Beautiful Silhouette landscapes Young Boys
Silhouette landscapes Young Boys by graphic artist from Guatemala Aritz Bermudez
Landscape-silhouette Young Boys by graphic artist from Guatemala Bermudez

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