Beautiful actress Julie Newmar
50 years ago, the image of a charming Cat Woman became iconic, and made Beautiful actress Julie Newmar popular and recognizable worldwide. born Julia Chalene Newmeyer August 16, 1933, in Los Angeles, Julie Newmar represents the eleventh generation of a Mayflower descendant. In all, Julie has played in more than 63 films, but still, it is the role of Cat Woman in the television series Batman in 1966 that made her famous. Truly the most beautiful film and television star, Julie Newmar at her 82 is still stunning, has much grace, and admits that she is still flirting with men.
GRACE is ….
the quality of being whole in the midst of noise or chaos,
sees from on top, the amazing productive diversity of this world.
Grace breathes wholeness, knows that nothing is missing when ‘evidence’ says otherwise
Grace is playful, enjoys the child within and without
Grace breathes when others shout
Grace looks right into the whole of the person and sees the potential rather than the weakness
Grace exposes lightly a fear, a failure, a disconnect; leaving an opening of the heart to another
Grace imposes no restraint, blockage or belittling on others…Grace is fully there with the other
Grace lifts its owner away from futility to a lighter feeling, always sensing the possible
Grace discriminates, toward higher value
Grace sits up straight, is not stressed
Grace hears Handel and Mozart and is exhilarated merrily
Grace balances itself with an invisible thread from toe to head to universe
Grace has its own drug store within and relies on the Universal law of nature for self healing
Grace abhors fear as wasted effort. Awareness is its by-word
Grace evaluates all that is and sees that it is good, knowing that the universe is working out for each one of us
Grace is appreciative of everyone and everything
Therefore, I am whole, complete and perfect …
– most of the time!
“Never mind what the world or anyone else is doing. Make everything in your life better and better. You will create PARADISE”. Gardens are like dance – ephemeral and not seen again, but once you’ve seen it you’ll never forget it. Julie enjoys working in her garden, which she calls paradise. It is. “Beauty is her business” as well as her passion for art and design and gardening, which have led to a rose, day lily, and an orchid named in her honor. Her magnificent gardens are first choice for Los Angeles top charity events. “Why not? I live in Paradise”. She also loves sharing her thoughts on Facebook and working on her website. By the way, the last photo in this post is right from her Facebook page.
Beautiful actress Julie Newmar