Paper sculptures by Julie Wilkinson and Joyanne Horscroft

Paper sculptures by Julie Wilkinson and Joyanne Horscroft
These unique, beautiful, three dimensional paper sculptures, created for commercial and artistic purposes belong to London based duo of paper enthusiasts Julie Wilkinson and Joyanne Horscroft. Besides, they worked in collaboration with such paper artists as Zoe Bradley, Kyle Bean and Su Blackwell. In particular, in studios based out of London and Milan which specializes in the design of bespoke paper sculptures using rare and fine papers from around the world. According to information on their website, Julie Wilkinson and Joyanne Horscroft are The Makerie, a creative collaboration producing unique three dimensional paper sculptures for both commercial and artistic purposes.
Joyanne, from London, said: “We started working on our birds towards the end of 2009 – Julie came over from her job in Rome and we decided we had enough of our jobs. “Our thinking was if we could do anything we wanted in the world what would it be. So we wanted to see what would happen”.
“We have to do a lot of research for different projects for our commercial clients so we see a lot of different birds and techniques and think they’d look good. “It starts by art working everything on computers to work out sizes then we scalpel the paper and sit there for days gluing everything together.”
“We use lots of different papers but usually hand printed Japanese paper – they are really vivid, beautiful papers. “Most of our birds we make by request so have a home to go to. But we really enjoy it and love the process of seeing them come together.”
Paper sculptures by Julie Wilkinson and Joyanne Horscroft