2012 Best street art

2012 Best street art
Created or found on the streets of cities around the world, this street art has become the best in May 2012. Meanwhile, even from the best of that street art, in my personal opinion, the art by talented French artist Zilda is something special. The artist inspired by Renaissance classic paintings, and Biblical stories has created real masterpieces worth of museums.
Indeed, the works of French street artist Zilda are worth seeing. Sometimes, reminiscent of the paintings of the Renaissance, then the footage of the classic cinema of the 50’s, they decorate the streets of many European cities, and each of them inspires and gives a touch to the beautiful.
Zilda is a self-taught artist. He does not draw directly on top of the walls, but creates images on paper, and then he glues them in various places of the city. Sometimes the author chooses rather unusual places for his works, for example, a half-sunken boat. “I consider it very important to stick original drawings (made on paper) on the streets”. However, people don’t like the fact that the huge amount of work is ultimately doomed to disappear. Well, on the one hand the beautiful is eternal, on the other – fleeting …
2012 Best street art of May
