Book sculptures by Jodi Harvey-Brown
Book sculptures by Jodi Harvey-Brown
A pilot holds his stewardess tight as they watch the skies. The book used is “Crowded Skies”, published in the 60’s. English artist Jodi Harvey-Brown has always loved books. Jodi creates sophisticated and complex paper sculptures that literally lie in the literature according to its pages – Huckleberry Finn, Tom Sawyer, Harry Potter. “Books pull you into a new world, while art lets you see it. It made sense to me that these two mediums should come together. The books that we love to read should be made to come to life”.
A guiding star sits on the opposite page. The angel is made with pages from the hymnal. She has double wings, a three tiered dress, halo, and a hymnal of her own. The book used is “Beirly’s Chapel Anthems”, with the book opened to “The Holy Comforter”.
She tires everything, asks every animal in the forest for advice and finally a little bird sings her to sleep. The song, complete with sheet music, was actually in the book
Batter, Pitcher and Outfielders are taken from the original illustrations in the book. The ball, attached to a sturdy wire, pops beyond the cover of the book. The book used is “The Call of Adventure”, 1962. The story depicted is “The Kid From Thomasville”.
An eager knight draws his sword in preparation of battle. The book used is “Dragons of the Summer Flame”, part of the Dragonlance series. The dragon is complete with horns, wings, and ferocious teeth. The knight is wired through the book for stability. All books are finished with a UV spray to protect against moisture and sun damage.
Book sculptures by Jodi Harvey-Brown
Each page is folded with music sheet forming the curved heart in the center. The book’s black cover and bright white pages make the heart stand out and is easily matched to any decor. A perfect gift for any music lover or music teacher.