Bookyard by Massimo Bartolini
Art Life style

Bookyard by Massimo Bartolini

Bookyard by Massimo Bartolini
Large scale Installation by Italian artist – Bookyard by Massimo Bartolini

Bookyard by Massimo Bartolini
Italian artist Massimo Bartolini combines his curiosity for knowledge with nature in his public library called “Bookyard.” In fact, he designed this project for the Belgian art festival, TRACK. In particular, Bartolini placed a set of 12 bookcases in St. Peter’s Abbey Vineyard, St. Pietersplein 14. This literary utopia, installed in a sweeping shape that moves along the gradual slope of the St. Peter’s Abbey line along with its vines. They are filled with books for sale by the public libraries of Ghent and Antwerp. Noteworthy, the profits of these items will go to benefit the institutions. Meanwhile, visitors may bring a piece of the artwork placed on the bookyard shelves home with them. However, they should leave a small donation of their choice into the small box supplied by the artist and the libraries.

Bookyard by Massimo Bartolini
Creative Book yard installation by Italian artist Massimo Bartolini

Bookyard by Massimo Bartolini

St. Peter’s Abbey Vineyard. Bookyard installation by Italian artist Massimo Bartolini
St. Peter’s Abbey Vineyard. Book yard created by Italian artist Massimo Bartolini
St. Peter’s Abbey Vineyard. Bookyard installation by Italian artist Massimo Bartolini
Installation by Italian artist Massimo Bartolini
St. Peter’s Abbey Vineyard. Bookyard installation by Italian artist Massimo Bartolini
Shelves with books. Bookyard installation by Italian artist Massimo Bartolin
St. Peter’s Abbey Vineyard. Bookyard installation by Italian artist Massimo Bartolini
Art and book installation by Italian artist Massimo Bartolini
St. Peter’s Abbey Vineyard. Bookyard installation by Italian artist Massimo Bartolini
Filled with book shelves – Book yard installation by Italian artist Massimo Bartolini
St. Peter’s Abbey Vineyard. Bookyard installation by Italian artist Massimo Bartolini
Vineyard turned into a Book yard, creative installation by Bartolini
St. Peter’s Abbey Vineyard. Bookyard installation by Italian artist Massimo Bartolini
Visitors may take a book with them. Installation by Italian artist Bartolini
St. Peter’s Abbey Vineyard. Bookyard installation by Italian artist Massimo Bartolini
Created by Italian artist Massimo Bartolini book installation
St. Peter’s Abbey Vineyard. Bookyard installation by Italian artist Massimo Bartolini
Unique installation by Italian artist Massimo Bartolin

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