Bubblegum portraits by Jason Kronenwald

Bubblegum portraits by Jason Kronenwald
Canadian artist Jason Kronenwald creates fascinating portraits of blonde celebrities – from Madonna to Avril and Britney Spears. Noteworthy, he doesn’t use any paint or dye for his portraits, they are all 100% chewed. According to the artist, if he needs to change color he mixes gums inside his mouth! Jason Kronenwald grew up in Ancaster, Ontario, Canada. He graduated from Queen’s University in Kingston with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 1997. Currently he lives in Toronto with his wife Samantha, daughter Sadie and son Milo, making portraits out of chewed bubblegum called Gum Blondes.
The first Gum Blonde was completed in 1996. Each Gum Blonde is 100% chewed bubblegum on a plywood backing. No paint or dye is used – the color is inherent to the gum. Colour mixing takes place inside the mouth during chewing, using an endless variety of flavors made by an endless variety of companies. Kronenwald has a dedicated team of chewers and prefers the texture of Trident and Bubblicious.
Bubblegum portraits by Jason Kronenwald