Buttons installations by Ran Hwang

Buttons installations by Ran Hwang

Buttons installations by Ran Hwang
Red bird. Buttons installations by Ran Hwang, Korean artist

Buttons installations by Ran Hwang
Korean artist Ran Hwang creates incredible wall installation. Noteworthy, each point of these incredible pictures – is a common button. Tens of thousands of buttons fastened to the wall with safety pins. Basically, the artist depicts images of the amazing variety of birds of the world, lush flowering trees and the most amazing plants. According to the artist, in order to create a similar installation, she has learned patience to control herself. In particular, self-meditation and Zen monks. She managed to create large icons such as a Buddha or a traditional vase, using materials from the fashion industry.

Buttons installations by Ran Hwang
Female figure

Buttons installations by Ran Hwang

Birds. Buttons installations by Korean artist Ran Hwang
button installations by Ran Hwang
Korean architecture
button installations by Ran Hwang
White birds
button installations by Ran Hwang
button installations by Ran Hwang
A caged bird
button installations by Ran Hwang
Red bird
button installations by Ran Hwang
Nature inspired triptych
button installations by Ran Hwang
button installations by Ran Hwang
Scattered on the floor buttons
button installations by Ran Hwang
City architecture
button installations by Ran Hwang
Beautiful art installation
button installations by Ran Hwang
Fantasy art by Korean artist Hwang
button installations by Ran Hwang
Traditional architecture
button installations by Ran Hwang
Art installation on a cube, work by Korean artist
button installations by Ran Hwang
Buttons installations by Ran Hwang
Fragment of installation


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