Collection of 20000 Bird Ornaments by Mr Cobbold
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Collection of 20000 Bird Ornaments by Mr Cobbold

Collection of 20000 Bird Ornaments by Mr Cobbold
Large Collection of 20000 Bird Ornaments by Mr Cobbold, British warehouse worker

Collection of 20000 Bird Ornaments by Mr Cobbold
Lawrence Cobbold, 38, now visits his parents for meals and to wash his clothes because he has run out of room at his own place. He has spent 25 years collecting ornaments, paperweights, pictures and thimbles and estimates his unusual treasures could be worth up to 40,000 pounds. The collection has taken over every room in his three-bedroom house, the loft, shed and every cupboard. Mr Cobbold can spend up to 500 pounds on ornaments at charity shops or car boot sales at any one time. The Co-Op warehouse worker spends two hours before work and two hours in the evenings cleaning, tidying and rearranging them.

Collection of 20000 Bird Ornaments by Mr Cobbold
In fact, the Collection of 20000 Bird Ornaments by British warehouse worker Lawrence Cobbold has taken over the whole house. In particular, every room in his three-bedroom house, the loft, shed and every cupboard

Collection of 20000 Bird Ornaments by Mr Cobbold
Wonderful Collection of 20000 Bird Ornaments by British warehouse worker Lawrence Cobbold

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