Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov

Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov

Anemone Metridium senile. Deep-sea creatures by Russian photographer Alexander Semenov
Anemone Metridium senile looks like a dandelion. Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov, Russian marine biologist and photographer

Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
Russian photographer Alexander Semenov is the author of these underwater alien like sea creatures. The marine biologist, Semenov graduated from the Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Moscow State University named after Mikhail Lomonosov in 2007. Shortly thereafter began working at the White Sea Biological Station of Moscow State University. He is currently working in the organization of marine scientific research of the BBC. According to Semenov, he dives himself with pleasure with his camera.

cave. Deep-sea creatures by Russian photographer Alexander Semenov
Rays of light lit the dark cave
Eared Aurelia (Aurelia aurita). Deep-sea creatures by Russian photographer Alexander Semenov
Eared Aurelia (Aurelia aurita)
Eared Aurelia (Aurelia aurita). Deep-sea creatures by Russian photographer Alexander Semenov
Eared Aurelia (Aurelia aurita)
Giant Octopus. Deep-sea creatures by Russian photographer Alexander Semenov
Giant Octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini). Impressive creature

Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov

Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
Giant Octopus (Enteroctopus dofleini)
Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
Hairy tsianeya (Cyanea capillata). Beautiful underwater creature of orange color
Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
The same Hairy tsianeya (Cyanea capillata)
Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
Amazing Hairy tsianeya (Cyanea capillata)
Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
Cyanea capillata, or Hairy tsianeya
Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
Hairy tsianeya (Cyanea capillata)
Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
Colorful Hairy tsianeya (Cyanea capillata)
Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
Mysterious underwater creature Hyper Hyperia galba captured by Russian photographer
Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
Looking transparent Jellyfish Leucothea. Amazing Deep-sea creature
Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
Jellyfish Leucothea
Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
Nereis pelagica
Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
Beautiful like a flower Nudibranchs Coryphella verrucosa
Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
Amazing deep-sea creature – Nudibranchs Coryphella verrucosa
Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
Nudibranchs Coryphella verrucosa
Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
One-of-a-kind underwater creature Nudibranchs Coryphella verrucosa. Looks like an underwater hedgehog
Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
Amazing patterns of Ophiuroidea Gorgonocephalus arcticus. Fantastic underwater world by Russian photographer
Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
Polychaete Nereis virens
Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
There isn’t better creator than the nature itself. The wonderful underwater creature formally called Polychaete Nereis virens
Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
Resembling a dragon Scud Paramphitoe cuspidate
Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
Serpula uschakovi
Deep-sea creatures by Alexander Semenov
Tsiklosalpa Cyclosalpa bakeri

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