Emotional cats

Emotional cats
If you want to see your reflection – Look into the eyes of a cat.
If you want to see the universe – Look into the eyes of a cat.
If you want to see God – Look into the eyes of a cat.
If you want to see a cat – Look inside yourself …
Dogs and cats can exhibit a wide range of emotions, straightforward man. And the way they do it, makes most of us smile. One can only speculate about the reason for their surprise. The gray matter of cats have some resemblance to the human brain. While experts debate about the depth and range of emotions, they confirm that cats often have the same emotions as humans, such as happiness, excitement, playfulness, depression and anger. Any cat lover can confirm from their four-legged friends the presence of all these emotions, if not more. Be careful with angry cats. Unhappy cat can pee on your favorite chair, throw toilet paper roll and even break the dishes. Also, cats purr not only when satisfied, but when they feel pain or under stress.
Cat Meow Means … a lot of things. Purring, uttering cries and even blinking, cats try to tell something to the owner. The number of pet owners who want to better understand their furry “kids” is growing. Therefore experts know how to establish communication with the cats. Cats are very independent, and can be easily misunderstood, said Dr. Gary Weitzman, president of the Humane Society and SPCA in San Diego, author of the new book “How to talk to a cat.” Weitzman says that cunning cats know 16 different ways of meow and usually do so only in the presence of people. Meowing, cats can “speak” – “Feed me”, “caress”, “let me out for a walk”. However, they hardly exchange such signals with neighbors.
This is because cats have learned, that by meowing, they receive desired from the person, explains professor at the College of Veterinary Medicine at Texas A & M International University Dr. Bonnie Beaver. In 2003, she wrote a textbook, “The behavior of the cat.” What does it mean when cats hiss or scratch, is clear, but these animals are also able to “communicate” with the eyes and tail. Slow blinking on the “cat’s language” means the same as that of a friendly wink, says Weitzman. “Blink – is a cat kiss” – he adds.
When a cat is happy, relaxed and friendly, its whiskers directed naturally. Cat’s whiskers are twice as thick as their root and three times deeper than human hair. Whiskers help the cat feed, hunt and express feelings.
Often people choose a pet, focusing on its color and breed. In the reserve of happy cats in Medford (New York, USA) potential landlord may ask “white fluffy cat,” says Melissa Cox, Director of Communications and Development. She advises people not to rely on the appearance when choosing a pet. Because to understand that the animal is right for you, depends on other qualities.
Fluffed lifted up tail, according to Weizmann, is the human handshake. Cats enliven as they approach to show that they are glad to see you. Even the movement of the ears and whiskers express something worthy of attention. If the cat’s ears are pressed, do not come close to it. This means that it is in a panic or preparing for battle, warns Weitzman.
As you know, cats live under the same roof with a man for a long time. Despite this, the animals retained the characteristics and adaptive mechanisms of wild ancestors. The fact that explains the “strange” behavior of cats and their incredible popularity.
Emotional cats
