Faithful dog lives at the owners tomb

Faithful dog lives at the owners tomb
Argentinian Miguel Guzman bought the dog for his son, Damian, but the dog chose his master – Miguel. A year after the appearance of Captain, in 2006, Miguel died, and when his family returned from the funeral, the dog was not found in the house. Immediately after his death, the dog ran away from home to the cemetery and for the last six years, refused to leave the tomb of his owner. Miguel’s family found Captain sitting on the grave of his master. According to them, the dog whined piteously, and it was clear that he was committed heartbroken. Since then, he hardly ever moves from the tomb, rarely leaving the cemetery.

We did not take him to the cemetery, the widow of Miguel said, don’t understand how dog found the way. Once we found him, he went home with us, but soon turned back and ran back to the grave.
According to the owner of the cemetery Hector Baccega, the dog sometimes walks around the area, but always goes to sleep on the owner’s grave. He is fed by the cemetery workers.
– I tried several times to take him home, says the son of Miguel Damian, but he always ran back to his father’s grave. I think he is going to die right there.
Faithful dog lives at the owners tomb