Fashion photos from the streets of Tokyo

Fashion photos from the streets of Tokyo
According to the the street fashion, Tokyo shows so many different styles, cultures, and subcultures that it’s hard for even the most devoted fashion freak to keep up. Traditionally, each season those styles change, and subcultures come and go, brands – appear and die. In addition, there are hundreds of magazines devoted to Tokyo street and fashion photography. But magazines – published once a week or once a month. In a fast moving fashion mecca like Tokyo, trends may be gone by the time you read about them.
Meanwhile, the Website has a large gallery of fashion photographs to keep readers updated on what’s happening on the streets every day. In particular, the latest trends and trend-busters in Harajuku, Shibuya, and beyond.

Misaki’s beautiful print dress is by Juliette et Justine.
She’s wearing it over a lace ruffle top, net tights, and ballet flats. Accessories include a butterfly and lace hat, several butterfly rings, a floral bracelet, and Victorian Maiden leather purse decorated with a cute rabbit pouch from AHCAHCUM.muchacha.
Mashimo (21) and Ai (20) are the super fun Tokyo girl group Hennyo. The girls like to wear matching outfits and they have a joint Twitter account. In the photo they are wearing American Apparel hoodies over Madsaki bleeding nose smiley face t-shirts and neon Nike shorts. The tote bags are from Lactose Intoler-Art, and their sneakers are Converse. They accessorized with bow headbands, heart sunglasses, star earrings, colorful fake eyelashes, cat necklaces, plastic bracelets and neon green leggings. Both of them have their hair tied in twin tails.

Fashion photos from the streets of Tokyo
Hirari IKEA in Shibuya with Braids & Studded Platforms.
Hirari is a Harajuku Style Icon, a fashion model, and she works at one of the most influential and cutting edge boutiques in all of Asia, Dog Harajuku. Her studded platforms are by the Harajuku footwear brand Tokyo Bopper.