The five-month-old bear and 16-month-old chimp live at the Myrtle Beach Safari Park in South Carolina

Friendship of bear cub and chimpanzee

Friendship of bear cub and chimpanzee. The five-month-old bear and 16-month-old chimp live at the Myrtle Beach Safari Park in South Carolina
Friendship of bear cub and chimpanzee. The five-month-old bear and 16-month-old chimp live at the Myrtle Beach Safari Park in South Carolina. Photo

Friendship of bear cub and chimpanzee. Five-month-old grizzly bear cub Bam Bam and 16-month-old chimp Vali have been inseparable since being introduced at the Myrtle Beach Safari park in South Carolina, where they were born. Park owner Bhagavan Antle said staff decided to see whether the pair would hit it off when Bam Bam reached the same size as Vali – even though bears grow much faster than chimps. ‘We got them out there playing on a sunny day and they went on and on for hours,’ he said. ‘Neither of them wanted to quit. They would lie down and fall asleep at our feet, wake back up and start wrestling again.’ Visitors delight in watching them wrestling and playing tag. In the wild, Bam Bam would live in the wilds of North America, while Vali’s natural home is the jungle of central Africa.

Friendship of bear cub and chimpanzee

And when they grow up, Bam Bam is likely to be about nine times the size of his chimp pal.
And when they grow up, Bam Bam is likely to be about nine times the size of his chimp pal. Photo
Like most youngsters, their play can get a little wild
Like most youngsters, their play can get a little wild. Photo
When the pair aren’t together, energetic Vali likes to help out his mum, while Bam Bam prefers a slower pace of life
When the pair aren’t together, energetic Vali likes to help out his mum, while Bam Bam prefers a slower pace of life. Photo