Gardens of the nanowires

Beautiful Gardens of the nanowires

Beautiful Gardens of the nanowires
Green and red plants. Beautiful Gardens of the nanowires

Beautiful Gardens of the nanowires
According to news, Russian physicists grow delicate nano-and micro-structure of metal. In particular, physicists from the Institute of Solid State Physics. They presented a work in which they studied the process of growing nano-sticks in membranes porous, using the electrochemical method. And a product of this work – beautiful pictures of micro-and nano-structures. Also used in optics, medicine, and electronics, nano-wires have a diameter of about one nanometer, that is one billionth of a meter. Today scientists are able to get a nano-wire thickness of 60 to 30 nanometers. However, to get the nano-wire, the traditional methods of manufacturing are useless. Meanwhile, grown by chemical reactions, this nano-wire will help scientists to create a new generation of computers.

Gardens of beautiful nano-flowers
A collage of nanowire flowers

Experimenting with the nanowire, Galina Strukova, together with her colleagues from the Institute of Solid State Physics in Chernogolovka, got amazingly beautiful and unusual structure. To grow these metal nano-flowers, or nano-plants scientists use different metals: indium, palladium, lead, and nickel. According to Galina Strukova, the metal forms a structure, which is similar to biological objects. In fact, the whole growth process is governed by similar rules.

Beautiful Gardens of the nanowires

Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
White nano-flowers
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Emerald-green nanoflowers
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Resembling fern – Gardens of nano plants
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
This nano plant resembles a cauliflower
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
And this image shows a nano plant which looks like a cabbage leaf
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
The world of nanowire structures
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Violet branches of the Christmas tree – are in fact, nano wire structures created in a laboratory
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Green fir-tree from the garden of nano-wire plants
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Fabulous Garden of nanoflowers
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Nano constructions resembling flowers
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Wire gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Unusual plants created in the process of growing nano-sticks
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Plants received by the electrochemical method
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Nano-fern in the artificial Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Green nanoflowers
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Blue nanoflowers
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Unusual shapes of nanoflowers
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Beautiful nano-leaves
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Closeup, Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Wire gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Artificial Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers
Gardens of beautiful nanoflowers

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