Alexander McQueen Jelly bears dress
Alexander McQueen Jelly bears dress
Beautiful delicious dress from famous throughout the world sweets created specially for the TWELV Magazine by young designers Hiss Igrashi and Sayuri Murakami. Made of hundreds, even thousands of delicious jelly bears of different colors, sweet dress, which you can not only touch, but also try on the tooth. In fact, Jelly of rainbow colors – a tribute to creativity of Alexander McQueen. After all, an inspiration to the creators of the dress from gelatin sweets served as one of the luxury fashion house dresses. Meanwhile, nobody knows how many “consumables” the designers have eaten in the process. But, according to TWELV Magazine, to create the dress it took 50 000 gelatin bears.
To create the masterpiece, the designers twisted steel wire into the shape of the dress and covered with a sheet of vinyl. Then, they painstakingly glued 50,000 gummy bears by hand in a colorful pattern reminiscent of a Chevron rainbow.
Alexander McQueen Jelly bears dress and Rainbow Dresses,