Miniature painting by Svetlana Belovodova

Miniature painting artist Svetlana Belovodova

The Queen of Autumn. Miniature painting artist Svetlana Belovodova
The Queen of Autumn. Miniature painting artist Svetlana Belovodova

Russian craftswoman, Miniature painting artist Svetlana Belovodova lives and works in the city of Dmitrov, Moscow region. Miniature painting has became her profession since she graduated with honors from glorious Fedoskino art school in 1996. Svetlana is a Member of the Union of Artists arts and crafts of Russia (2004). Belovodova loves her profession – to create beautiful fairy tales embodied in copyright exclusive handmade jewellery, miniature lacquer caskets and small panels. She also paints portraits in her fabulous technique.
Belovodova loves working with stones, beads, combining lacquer technique with embroidery and painting. She has been a permanent participant of art exhibitions on different levels – from local to national since 2011. Her artworks were exposed in All-Russian Museum of Decorative, Applied and Folk Art (Moscow), Central House of Artists, State Duma of the Russian Federation, Polytechnic Museum.

tenderness of mother and baby pendant
Tenderness of mother and baby pendant. Miniature painting artist Svetlana Belovodova
tenderness of mother and baby
Pendant “tenderness of mother and baby”

What sense can be more touching and plaintive than tenderness of mother and baby, and it does not matter who the mother is: a woman, a bear, a mare. This affection remains with us forever

wolf and woman
A wolf and woman

Healthy wolf and woman share certain mental characteristics – acute sensitivity, playful disposition and deep devotion. Woman and wolf related in nature: they are inquisitive, endowed with great endurance and physical strength. They are characterized by deep intuition, meticulous care of offspring and of the community as a whole. They skillfully adapt to continuously changing circumstances, there are fierce in their loyalty and extraordinarily brave

Driada pendant
Driada pendant

Driada. The combination of realistic painting with decorative relief – makes painting more harmoniously with the stones and beads embroidery, weaving various embroidery techniques and the use of completely different materials make this thing rustling in the woods, in a whisper of leaves, stir in the herbs. Unusually harmonious, soulful, a living thing

Forest Keeper
Forest Keeper

Who can be a girl who looks like a bird, a girl with such bright eyes, from the light of which bloom grass and trees grow to the sky? And the touch of her soft and gentle hands heal all wounds of the entire forest people. Of course, she is a Forest Keeper

Lelia - Slavic maiden goddess of love
Lelia – Slavic maiden goddess of love

Lelia – maiden goddess of love, patroness of lovers, beauty and happiness. Daughter of Lada. She is the goddess of the tender, quivering breezes of spring, the first flowers, young womanhood. Slavs believed that she cares about the first barely hatched shoots – the future harvest.

Miniature painting artist Svetlana Belovodova

Despite the fact that Artemisia – a bitter herb, it has long been considered the most powerful talisman against evil forces, its healing properties are endless. Since ancient times Russian women used Wormwood herb to wash hair, as its smell served as “love potion”.

Miniature painting artist Svetlana Belovodova

Miniature painting by Svetlana Belovodova
Dryad, central fragment
Miniature painting by Svetlana Belovodova
The blonde, pendant
Miniature painting by Svetlana Belovodova
Driada pendant
Miniature painting by Svetlana Belovodova
Driada pendant
Miniature painting by Svetlana Belovodova
Fairy with emerald hair and green eyes, pemdamt
Miniature painting by Svetlana Belovodova
Forest Keeper perndant
Miniature painting by Svetlana Belovodova
Heavenly deer, pendant
Miniature painting by Svetlana Belovodova
Image of Unicorn is able to protect human from environment of poor people, and vice versa, draw close kindred spirits, and even find your ‘second half’
Miniature painting by Svetlana Belovodova
Lelia – maiden goddess of love, pendant
Miniature painting by Svetlana Belovodova
Listening to the music of Universe
Miniature painting by Svetlana Belovodova
Miniature painting by Svetlana Belovodova
Miniature painting by Svetlana Belovodova
Melody of autumn
Miniature painting by Svetlana Belovodova
Miniature painting by Svetlana Belovodova
Pendant ‘White Orchid’
Miniature painting by Svetlana Belovodova
Pendant ‘Wild Orchid’
Miniature painting by Svetlana Belovodova
Queen of autumn pendant
Miniature painting by Svetlana Belovodova
Queen of Winter
Miniature painting by Svetlana Belovodova